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"Let me see my ex!" A voice roared.

"No, you aren't, I know what you did asshole, you abuser. Get the hell out."

"No! Out of my way."

The door opened and a strong hand went around my neck. "Miss me?"

"get off me!" I yelled. He forced me down and I screamed, he forced kissed me until even stronger arms flew around his neck and shoved him agasint the wall and punched him many times, I gasped for air and I looked around for something. I opened a drawer and grabbed the knife. I tossed it to him and I watched in fear, Brendon stabbed him in the rib and threw him outside, he looked angry, and I sat there and watched in fear.

"Sky. Come here it's okay." He said and reached out for a hug, and I ran to him and cried, "im scared."

"I won't let anyone hurt you, you know that." He whispered and petted my hair, "don't be afraid, your smart."

He lifted my chin up and wiped away my tears, "your starting to be like me now. I'll help you with defending your self."

I cried harder and I shook in fear.

"Tell me about that guy? Why did he come here? Who was he?"

"My ex, abused and raped me twice, hurt me and destroyed my life, that's why I'm afraid of you."

"Sky I'm sorry.." he said and hugged me , we stayed hugging for an hour, he made me feel safe.

    Sky's flashback.
<<Flashback: 4 years ago>>

"Brendon?" I said as we looked at the nighttime skies.

"Yes sky?" He smiled and looked down to me.

"When you punched my ex, from hurting me I want to thank you, you always protected me." I smiled, he leaned down and pecked my cheek.

"I'll always be here for you Sky."

I smiled and laid down on his knee.

<<back in present time.>>

"Sky, we better hide I hear police, I'll hide here, please improvise." He looked to me and I nodded and ran to the door.

Police knocked loudly, and I opened the door with a huge catch of breath.

"Who are you! Where's Brendon?!" The police. I sighed and put on a face.

"I'm Sky Jennings, I know Brendon but I have no idea where he is. He isn't here.

"His cars here." The police added.

Oh shit, I must've forgotten to tell him about the car. I'm ready to punch my self in the face.

"Mam if your lying to me you'll be with him in jail, the abusive one." He moved passed me and looked around he headed to my room. Where he was.

He opened the door and no one was there.
When the cop turned the other way I saw a moment in the corner of my eye out of the doorway. Brendon.

He snuck across to his room and I moved aside, and I went to his room. The cop stopped me. "what was that noise?"

"Nothing just my cat."

The cop nodded and left.

I ran to Brendon's room and he was shirtless when I came in and he had a scar on his chest. "Brendon! What the hell?"

But it turns out the cop didn't leave.

"That Damn Urie!" The cop roared, Brendon pulled me back and whispered, "take the knife im holding."

I nodded and began to shake In fear the cop tried to grab me but I flashed the knife out but the cop knocked me down and as he tried to arrest me I saw a quick sudden movement, Brendon threw his arm across the cops neck and attacked, the cop put the cuffs on me and then fought Brendon. I slowly back up against the wall and fear shook me.

Brendon flashed a knife out, and threw it across the room, hitting my leg it cut it. I screamed In pain and the cop slammed Brendon against the mirror.

The cop was ready to taze Brendon but I screamed, "NO!"

"DONT HURT HIM! PLEASE...please." I begged and cried. The cop didn't listen he tazed Brendon and grabbed me, but I didn't give up, I kicked him in his member area and swung my arms around and nudged him sending him down the stairs, he died. Cracked his neck and everything. I ran to Brendon as he looked stunned,


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