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His stunned body laid on the ground in front of me. I stared in silence, my hand over my mouth slowly dropped down to touch his face. He was breathing slowly.
His eyes, shut. His breathing, steady.

I moved to him and touched his chest to feel his heart beat. Once I moved to his neck he grabbed my arm and his eyes opened up.

"Jesus!" I screamed as his hand went around my wrist. He leaned me on the wall and said, "what do you think your doing?"

"I thought--you were-dead." I said slowly.

He laughed, "remember I said I can't die?" I nodded slowly, "ahah! Now you see Skylar! I CANOT die."

I nodded before I could move his hand went on my neck and felt my pulse. "Your scared." He said looking at me with those damn eyes. He gave a small smile, "Why?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid your gonna kill me soon, and hurt me like my ex." I said.

"No. I wouldn't do that, not to you. Ever." He said and seemed to be struggling to say something.

"Why?" I said and he looked up like that was the most stupidest question he ever heard.

"B-because..I love you." He said.

I was stunned at his words, I didn't reply, I got silent, i looked up and he was still looking at me.

"I do too. But I just can't anymore. You've changed, and I changed and I thought you would move on from me for what happened " I said.

He didn't answer he got closer and whispered, "I forgave you. You didn't hear, and I still do forgive you, only you. And your the only one I love, and have loved."

I smiled slowly and he backed off, getting up and helping me up. He looked angry.

"I'm sorry I did that." I said.

"Fine. Just go to your room. I'll bring you dinner." He said in a bit of an angry voice.

I sighed and nodded. And went to the room, I saw a note on the bed.

Acting is always been my dream. I sometimes act in front of people.
But if only Sky knew. If she knew what I did in the past she'd never forgive me ever. I can't love her, I scare her. I can't kiss her or she'll aviod me, or if she doesn't I need to show her the truth, only the truth, I just want to be with her.

I dropped the note and went to the bathroom and turned on the bath, I grabbed my towel and relaxing bath bomb. I put it in the tub and then I looked in the tub, shutting my eyes, I felt the water soak my hair, then a flashback came.

         ~3 years ago~
I was running in the streets home.
Incoming call from: Brendon <3

"Hello?" I answered. B
"Babe, where are you."
"I'm somewhere."
"Don't trust anyone tonight there's a bad thing happening."
"Like what?" I said

I ran down the streets as I heard gun shots. Then in the shadows, I saw a figure with another and a weapon in the middle.

"Oh my god." I said and dropped my phone. I didn't care to pick it up. It was Brendon about to stab my best friend Delia.

"No!" I yelled, and grabbed the knife and punched Brendon in the face, grabbing Delias wrist tightly and running.

I saw Brendon pick up my phone and look at me, the next day at school he left it in my locker. When I saw him in the hallway he grabbed me and walked in the janitors.

Beautiful Nightmare (Brendon Urie) Where stories live. Discover now