Chapter Twenty-One - Matthias

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Matthias has never liked when the air is still. Everything feels stale and eerie when there's no wind to rustle his hair or clothing, or when the chimes hanging above people's doors don't move at all. He hates the fact that the leaves on the ground just sit there instead of blowing across his path or fluttering across the toes of his combat boots. It's all that stupid wall's fault. He can't smell the ocean breeze or taste salt on his lips in some places where he used to be able to. He can't see the sunrise or sunset because at a certain point, the sun sinks below the wall and disappears. It only motivates him more to find a way to free San Francisco.

He pulls his hat lower on his head and shoves his hands into the pockets of his jacket before jogging across the street, keeping a watchful eye out for any people. Telescopic vision makes it a lot easier to see what team someone is on before they get close enough to inflict injury.

After making sure that a nearby group of stragglers is just civilians and not a pro-NAI group, he approaches the door of a small building and knocks several times, the pattern meticulous but essential. A moment passes before the door opens, revealing a lanky young boy with slightly curly, ruffled brown hair, brown eyes, and a splash of freckles across his nose and cheeks. His mouth falls open ever so slightly when he sees the hero in front of him, but he manages to regain his composure and step aside.

"Um, we've been expecting you. Please come in."

Matthias smiles lightly and steps in, taking in the space around him. The furniture consists of two couches and a coffee table, as well as an old crate that both a TV and an old radio rest on. Down the hall is a series of closed doors, which Matthias figures are the bedrooms.

"I'm Hudson, by the way," the boy says, shaking the hero's hand and grinning. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll send in the others."

"Matthias. Um, thank you."

Hudson nods and hurries down the hallway while the hero drops his bag onto the couch and sits down. So far, this has gone well, and he's genuinely surprised. Generally, members of rebel groups are more hesitant or closed off than the boy he just met.

"We've got company, eh? Get your butts out here!" Hudson calls from elsewhere in the base, successfully making Matthias chuckle. He's pretty young. The hero can't help but wonder how old he actually is.

A few moments later, Hudson comes in again. This time, he's trailed by three other rebels. Matthias stands as they walk in, shaking their hands one by one.

"Let's all be seated, shall we?" suggests a tall man with dark skin and a blinding smile. "Hudson, would you go start up some coffee?"

"Certainly," the boy replies, disappearing into the kitchen.

Matthias rests his elbows on his knees, his hands folded together as his eyes flit from rebel to rebel. "Thank you for meeting with me. I know it's a massive risk to have contacts with a hero."

"We're just glad the heroes are still alive and well," a blond girl with a thick accent and a Norwegian flag hoodie says.

"We should introduce ourselves. I'm Red," the girl sitting farthest from Matthias says. She gestures to the tall man and then to the Norwegian. "That's John, but we all call him Gunner, and Lillian, but we all call her Lili. You already met Hudson."

"Pleasure. I'm Matthias, as you already know." The hero claps his hands together. "Alright, now for business. I need your help."

"Lay it all out and we'll see what we can do," Gunner replies.

Matthias nods and digs the projector cube out of his bag, setting it on the coffee table. "Our mission has always been to free San Francisco. We have a bit of help from... outsiders, and they brought us this cube. On here, we have floor plans and layouts of the city and the inside of the NAI building." He sucks in a deep breath and folds his hands in his lap again. "Our biggest problem has always been the boss. We need to dispose of him if we're going to do this, and I thought it might be helpful to have some rebels on our side, seeing as we've lost quite a few heroes and we can't always get out without being targeted by the villains."

"Working with the heroes would be awesome!" Hudson exclaims as he walks in with a tray of full coffee mugs. Red shushes him and he purses his lips, taking his mug and curling up in his spot on the couch with a pout.

"I agree with Hudson. It would be pretty awesome," Gunner says, earning a grin from the pouting male. "We'll help you."

"Wonderful." A wave of relief seems to wash through Matthias as he smiles lightly at the rebels. Finding a group that was willing to get near him was hard enough. He isn't sure what he would have done if this hadn't gone so well. "So, this is what I need you to do..."

So, in a dimly lit base, Matthias pours over plans with a rebel group in a desperate attempt to save San Francisco and the other heroes.  

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