Hey Guys!!!

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Hey Guys Story-Teller here!!!

So I'm guessing your all wondering! Bailey you promised a sequel so we know what happens to our dashing heros! Well I will tell you I am in the process of creating the new book!!!! It's going to be called.......... What Happens Now!!!! Which was created by.... ImSoJoshDunWYouTyler !!!! Thank you so much for the new cover and title!! I have been waiting for my new laptop because it is extremely hard to edit and create chapters on my phone!!! But it will be happening soon I already have a couple of chapters written out so I just wanted to let you all know what was going on!!!

Thanks for Reading and please follow me and share the book on your social media!!

Oh also I have created a Twitter account for MinecraftBaker98 it's is under @MCBaker98 so please go and follow me and that will also give you updates as to when I release the new book!!!

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night!!!

The Story-Teller

Trapped In MinecraftWhere stories live. Discover now