You'll be fine pt2

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Destinys POV

All four people around me are shooting usually Id be shook but today all I can think about is that nigga that was just at the window. I don't remember his name but I will never forget that face hes the one. I know its him. If hes near so is Jayceon...
Wondering who he is? My ex who will just never leave me alone I swear he died like 3 times last year. He always came back


I was just waking up from my nap ooo Jayceon left his phone on charge. Its unlocked. I started looking on it I went on his messages. Hmm nobody but me his mother and his boy Derick. I saw a funny message so I opened up the conversation... If Im not mistaken Derick is a girl?  Huh? This Derick is a girl! Dericks real name is Precious OH NOO JAY GOT ME FUCKED UP IF HE THINKS HES CHEATING!!

Just then he was coming out the shower. I slipped his phone in my bra.

Jay- Oh you're awake I was just getting ready to meet with my boys.

Me- Oh who and where

I rested my head on the pillow like I was about to sleep again.

Jay- Out to eat you wouldnt know them

Me- Probably dont

Jay- Yeah well anyways Derick is gonna come get me

My eyes shot open

Me- Oh no the fuck he aint.

Jay- What are you talking about.

Me- Derick? Dont you mean precious?

He looked back at me...

Jay- who's precious?

Me- Dont play dumb Jay!

I pulled the phone out my bra and threw it at him.

Me- I saw the messages! You're a liar! You're cheating on me!?

Jay- Listen Ny I would never do that

Me- Dont lie in my face Jay you're a liar.

At this point we were standing I was on the bed he was in my face.

Jay- Dont call me a liar

Me- Well what do you expect you're lying in my face Jayceon you're a liar!

I felt myself flying then I hit the wall very hard.

Jay- I said dont call me a liar!

I laid there i couldn't move... I felt blood pouring out the side of my head.
He started punching me in my face. He stood up and shouted a final time

Huh wait wtf thats not part of the story

Back to normal times

Chres- Kai!

Her blood was all over my leg.  WTF!! 

Kai- Its okay! Just drive the fucking car and watch the road!  I'll be fine!

She threw me the gun while she pressed down on her thigh where she got shot.
Wtf is going on man? Everybodys getting hurt.

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