Anniversary Disaster

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"Get up.", i yelled at Devin while he was on the bed. I walked over to him in my bra and underwear jumping up and down on him laughing.

"Ok, ok argh. Your"

"What is that suppose to mean?" I said folding my arms like a child and frowning. He grabbed my hips making me straddle him. I kissed him lightly smiling at him. Man was i lucky. I managed to end up with the finest guy in highschool at the time and stay with him even after. He was a white boy but, lets say he had his black boy features. Are relationship started off some vanilla choclate swirl action if you know what im saying. Anyway, we been going strong for a good three years and im going to make this anniversary special. This whole day will be the best day of his life.

He kissed my lips and slid his hand over my butt causeing me to roll off the bed.

"Maybe later baby." I said teasing him purposly swaying my hips to make my butt jiggle. I got dressed sliding on some baggy khaki pants and a tight black top. I slid on my white nikes and pulled my afro not afro into two buns. I put a little eyeliner on and walked down stairs. I wasnt a fat girl i just had more meat on me than some of these girls out here Im just thick in my arms and thighs. I walked in the kitchen makeing breakfest for bae. He came down stairs in his black pants and a button up white shirt. He came around the island kissing my lips. I smiled bending over to get the orange juice. I felt him grab my waist and i stood up yelling at the top of my lungs.

"RAPE!" He covered my mouth with his hand looking around laughing like somebody would see. We live in a simple apartment. We aren't rich nor poor. We dont have an amazing life but, we do it together and thats what matters. I kissed him then, started breakfest. I cooked some egg and bacon sandwiches and, poured glasses of orange juice. After we ate i went outside to get the mail. I saw a black Mustang pull in goinging into a parking spot. It parked and this tall skinny white girl gets out. She has on a skin tight black dress with bright red heels. She looks like she has breast implants and she walks upstairs. I get my mail holding the little velvet box in my pocket. I skip up the stairs opening my door. I find that girl on my boyfriend trying to undo his pants. I go up behind her face hot and drag her off him.

"Oww! Baby!", she said as he reached up to separate me off of her and help her up. He had red lipstick on his lips and if i wasnt so mad i would have laughed at him. I looked at him confused as hell.

"Look London, this is Destiny. We met on instagram a while back"

"Im his girlfriend." She said takeing off her broken heel. Limping to stand next to Devin. I threw the mail in his face tears trying to force out of my eyes.

"Fuck you and fuck this." I said throwing the box at him with the promise ring in it. I walked over to Destiny dragging the hoe by her hair out the door. She fell on somebodys door while i slammed mine.

"London im so sorry. I-"

"Dont! Get your shit and go." I dead ass wasn't about to cry in front of him fuck that. He walked up to me but, i stepped back. He tried to make eye contact but that was a no.

"London ple-"

"Get. The. Steppin. Now." I said practically in a hiss. He stepped back walking slow getting his clothes and stuff in bags. Desting knocked on the door but that bitch wasnt coming in. After, he was done he took out a box and dropped it on the counter with my promise ring and walked out. I saw him and Destiny get in her car and drive off. I slammed my back on the door holding back tears. My fist where balled so tight they hurt and my head was pounding. I grabbed my phone out my pocket calling up my friend Camren. She picked up the phone all cheery it was annoying.

"So what is my bestfriend doing for her anniversary?" She said happy. I just balled my fist tighter.

"Sitting on the couch watching Netflix till my eyes bleed eating choclate till i die." My voice cracked. I told her everything that happend. She tried to get me to laugh but, nah. She was use to one night things not a relationship so the fact that she didnt understand. She couldn't possibly help.

"Im going to call you later." All i want to do right know is sleep. I cant right now. Im done with this.


I woke up the next morning my head hurting from not crying and my body sore from rolling off the bed from forgetting nobody was there to hold me. I heard a knock on the door and not really caring how i looked i ran down stairs with my sports bra and some pajama shorts. I looked out the peep hole at my least favorite person right know. I opened the door to Devin and he walked in.

"I left some things here." He said awkwardly.

"How did yall meet? Like why her." I said fragile. I didnt really care but, I  desereved an explanation.

"She sent me a message through my DM's i was feeling her. She was everything i wanted. Skinny and.... We fucked once and..."

"It grew from there... Just get your shit and go." He didn't respond but, got his stuff and left. I grabbed a pint of vanilla ice cream out the fridge and tossed whipped cream and poptarts on it. I layed on the couch watching you've got mail. I just layed there on the couch with my ice cream and TV and thought. Thought on all my mistakes including him. This by far being the worst anniversary ever.

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