People Can Be Wrong

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"Vicky you seriously just made me choose between you and London.", i asked Vicky as she started the car and drove out of the complex.

"T, it shouldn't have been no damn choice.", she said as we stopped at a stop light. "I'm your girl not her so it shouldn't have been no damn choice.", She said driving off as the light changed. We drove in silence until we got home. She barged out the car into the house and sat on one of the stools till i got in.

"Did y'all fuck before or something.", Vicky said holding her head. She dead look like she was going to cry. I walked up to her grabbing her hip and kissing her forehead.

"Why would you think that? I just want the two people that mean something to me to get along.", i said running my fingers through her brown and blonde hair. She looked at me with those blue eyes and kissed me. i kissed her back as she got up to go into the kitchen.

"What you want for dinner baby.", she said looking in the fridge.

"Lets go out to eat. Some place real nice.", i said. We lived on Long Island in Riverhead. We lived right next to New York City. I wanna take me baby out somewhere nice.

"Where we going babe?", she said smiling hard.

"The Sea Fire Grill."

"Oh babe. I'm gonna go get ready." I went into the room and hopped in the shower after Vicky got out and did her makeup. I put on my white button up top and a gray jacket over it. I slid into my black skinnys and black dress shoes. I decided to wear my hair in a bun on my hair and my shades on. When i walked out the room and grabbed some water i called up my girl telling her to come on. I had already planned this for over the past week. She just didn't know.

"Baby come on are reservations."

"Okay i'm ready.", she said coming down the hall. She had on a cherry red top and skirt. It scraped the floor as she walked and she had her black strapped heels. She had her hair in thick body waves cascading over her shoulder on one side pinned over with a clip covering in black rhinestones. The dress hugged her hips as well as flaring out at the bottom.

"There goes my baby oooh girl look at you.", i sung as i walked up to her.

"Lets go.", she giggled as she walked out the door.

"I don't know how you got me to go with you.", i said as i got in the car with Andrew. He smiled at me showing the brightest teeth id ever seen.

"Because who can resist this smile.", he said smiling biting his lip. I nearly dragged him back in the house.

"Were are we going anyway?", i said as we drove down the road getting on the highway.

"The Sea Fire Grill."

"That place is really expensive. Are you sure you wanna take me?"

"I'm taking you right.", he said laughing while driving. I smiled as i took out my phone taking some pictures on Snapchat. I want everyone to see this.

"Okay baby where here.", i said getting out the car and opening the door for Vicky. She got out smiling as we walked in. I was waiting to get our table when i noticed London at the table with some one.

"Our you ready to be seated ma'am?"

"Yeah, um, we'll be joining are friends.", i said pointing to there table.

"Follow me.", the man said as he walked us to the table. London and mystery man where confused.

"You don't mind if we join you right."

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