Sliding In The DM's

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I layed on my bed contemplating on if i should text her. I mean she did try to talk to me at the party but, today she come to my job with a girl all on her. I mean it didnt make me mad. It just annoyed me that she walked all the way up to me to just laugh.

I rolled over finally just going ahead and texting her. It was a simple text. A little "hi" nothing more. Nothing less. I didnt want to feel thirsty even though i wasnt trying to get with her. She just seemed like a cool person to talk to. I means shes cute but she not all that.

I was cut off from my mind rambling by the sound of my phone vibrating. I looked down seeing the instagram logo with the little one above it looking back at me like "come on you know you wanna answer". I picked up my phone slow like, them white girls do in scary movies. I clicked the logo seeing her dumb ass response.

Busy giving head ttyl💦

I mean i wanst mad i was just like, TMI. I dont give a fuck what you doing. I said hi not, "you ready to fuck this pussy up." I mean why the hell would she even say that. Its not that i dont want her to fuck this lil pussy up i just- Oh fuck it.

Get it in😉💦

I texted her back and layed my head back against the pillow. She just do the most for no damn reason. I rolled out of bed getting up to get something to eat. I grabbed a doughnut and made a hot dog. Ok, maybe my meal looked negative when you think about it but it was the hole. Ok, not makeing it better. To be honest i just wanted to be with Devin. I miss him. He pissed me off for cheating but, he did alot for me in the years we was together. He aint stick to his promise but, i was slipping from him. It dont make it better but, think about it. He could have thought i was cheating. Im not giving him a reason cause dude was mad wrong but.....

I layed my head on the counter banging my head till i heard my door open and Camren and Devin walk in. I looked between the two which both had amused faces. I got up from my fit and walked over to them closeing my door.

"At least if yall are going to barge in unannounced close the damn door." I looked at Devin who opened his mouth then closed it.

"Well i been calling your ugly ass. Im going in your room ill be back when yall finish." Before i could protest i saw her swaying her hips down the hall. Damn my friend thick as fuck. She just way to thoty for me.

"What do you want Devin." I said. Finally acknowledging his presence. He looked at me with a confused look on his face then let his head fall running his fingers through his hair. He looked at me, while my eyes locked together with the same captivating emerald green eyes that stole my heart before. I mentalluly slaped my self for even thinking in the past. I rember telling myself in middle scholl never to think in the past of a relationship there over and done. But, that also was before i knew what love was. Thats before he held me, talked to me.... touched me. I didnt know what love was. It was easy to get rid of a little crush but, your love. Nah, thats different.

"I want to apologize. I should have realized how lucky i was. I wanted to be with what my friend wanted for me instead of what i wanted." His face looksd numb showing no expression. His voice cracked after ever word. Sounding like glass under a shoe. "I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. I still do but, i let people i thought was my friends into my relationship. Im so sorry London." By this point he had small streams of tears going down his cheeks. He looked vulnerable. He looked... like he was lying.

I know Devin he never begs even with the girl he was with before me. He loved that girl he talked about her all the time before we started dateing. But, no matter how much he wanted her he never begged. NEVER.

"Devin, you never beg. I know you. Or i did but, i know this. You didnt even do this for Samantha. Stop lying. Thats the problem. I love you. But, we can only be friends. I dont want to get hurt anymore." I said slightly wanting to cry but, i knew better than to sit and cry over his mistake. He needed to know he couldnt just leave me and then get me whenever he wanted.

He held his head up with his jaw held tight. He leaned closer to me. "Your not Samantha London." He whispered before going out the door closing it behind him. I stood there completely confused. He was right i wasnt Samantha but, it still dosent make sense. I shruged my shoulders skipping into my room. I saw Camren sprawled across my bed. I got in the bed and crawled over to her and i layed on her stomache. We started jokeing around. I had layed on my side and started watchimg Hulu on my phone.

"Oh my damn", i heard Camren say while looking at her phone.

"What?" I said laughing sliding over to her. Now i wish my nosy
ass hadnt. There was a picture of me dancing with that girl. She was the one who posted it and she had captioned it. Who needs you when i have hoes everywhere. Mexico, New York, Africa, and London.❤

I was so mad. I grabbed my phone unlocking it and texting that no good hefer of a child. Damn, i sound like my damn mom.

How can you do some shit like that?

I waited for a while. A childish pout on my face. I looked at my friend who was to busy probably thotin yo realize that i was upset. As i was about to lay down next to her my phone went off. I looked at it checking and, of course. It was my favorite person.

I do what the fuck i want to do.

No the hell you dont not with me. Im not your girl and i wont look like no hoe for anybody i didnt do it with my father i wont do it for you.

I didn't realize till i hit send that i said to much. She had already seen it and it was to late to stop it.

London i apologize

Yeah whatever

I wanted to cry. This conversation brought up memories i had buried for so long. Memories I didnt want anything to do with. I know its things i should deal with.

I layed back in the bed pulling my comforter over me. I need a nap.


"Have a nice day.", i said putting on a fake smile. I am so tired of this job. I was closing up when my manager told me someone was waiting for me. I expected to see Camren or Devin but no. The lord just wont give me a break. Not one.

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