A Secret Past

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The picture is what Damen looks like. Yes ik its Morris Chestnut but, that's who i wanted him to look like. But imagine him as you please.

I watched as T left the house. I wondered if it was because of Camren. I don't know but i really didn't care. Camren don't even mess with girls.

"So that was weird but, why you here any way.", i asked wondering if she was going to tell me something weird. Or something that i needed to know.

"Yeah, yeah that was uh..um real weird.", she said scratching her neck. "But i'm here to tell you i'm getting married!!", she said happy.

I looked really confused. Who would want to marry her? Like, she my best friend but, she really is not the woman to get married to. She shows her hoeness and she still ends up with people dating her and, now she getting married.

"Wow really."

"Damn don't act so surprised.", she said a little annoyed.

"Well who is he?"

"Remember Damen Young from high school? Well me and him been talking for the last year. I know i was still on my hoe shit but i told him what i was doing and really i never fucked anybody. I would just get them to buy me shit then leave. Damen made me happy so i let that shit go. He told me last night he wanted me to his self. And gave me this ring.", she said holding up her hand showing a big ass diamond. I was wondering if this was one of her scheme to get some money. She and Damen only dated in middle school cause he brought her a phone she wanted as a gift for valentine's day. Then, when he stopped buying her shit she went and got her somebody new. She fucked him over all threw high school and then just stopped talking to him. Know you know why i'm scared for his safety. He really likes her.

"Don't play him again."

"Why the hell would you say that? I know i wasn't the best to him but you cant do that. I'm changing for him you should understand that."

"Why you coming at me side ways like the fuck.", i said throwing my head to the side like it wouldn't break. She bust out laughing and i started laughing with her.

"I'm just really happy.", she said almost crying. I looked at her and she laughed

"Now lets go to the store and buy shit we will never use." she said. I went out the house with her and, we got in the car and she was happy and smiling. When we where driving down the road she put on are song, Broccoli, that song was going in. We pulled up to the mall after driving threw mad red lights.

We was going up stairs when i saw T and some Asian girl tongue kissing Like deep in each others throats I walked over to them tapping her on the shoulder. She wanna act up let me act up to.

"This what we do?", i said loud as she turned around scared.

"Who the fuck is this broke bitch?", Asian chick says from behind T. Know i wasn't for real mad before but, she bout to get an ear full.

"This is London and London this is Mi'Ling.", T said to me and Mi"ling.

"We Ling Ling here better not come for me her old broke ass. She need to take her old fried dumpling and duck sauce up out of her."

"Well this Ling Ling did sixty-nine with bae so fuck out here."

"Bitch sixty-nine? Ain't nobody ask for fried broccoli and cauliflower.", i said.

"Hoe go and eat you fried chicken and damn watermelon. That why your pussy stank hoe.". she aid trying to walk in my face. I mushed her away so that she wasn't in my face. She grabbed my hair slinging me across the floor. When a bitch got up tho, i grabbed her har and threw her on the bench and punched her stomach.

"Damn bitches now a days fucking wrestlers.", some random dude said while we where passing. I kicked her in the stomach and felt somebody grab me off her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", T said. Then i heard a shriek coming from Camren.

"Oh shit."

Sorry i needed to post and this chapter needed to end her. If y'all wanted drama your definitely about to get it. DM me what you want to possibly happen next or what you think will happen next. Even DM me people i should add to this book. This book is for you guys to help with. Hope you like so far.

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