Trying to ignore him

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I woke up suddenly to music blaring downstairs shaking the floor beneath me. "Urghhh" I moaned lifting myself off the bed realizing I had an hour before work. I spent the hour getting sorted and tidying my room not once taking my mind off what Linds had told me earlier. I sighed as I dragged myself downstairs to set up the back bar. Zack was already there pulling the glasses out of the drier and putting them away. I didn't say a word to him as I started to help. He looked at me smiling but I never looked back at him feeling ashamed he could be using me for his own fun. I headed to the till with a bag of change sat on the bar ready to fill up for the night. As I was sorting the till I felt Zacks arms wrap around my waist causing me to jump unexpectedly. "You're quite tonight" He whispered into my ear as I tried to continue my work. "Am I?" I acted dumb. He slid his arms away from me as Katey walked into the back bar with the tap trays and pretended to wipe down the bar next to me. I looked at him in disbelief realizing he was trying to hide his affection from Katey. "You guys ok?" She smiled, she never noticed Zack with his arms around me. I nodded as she put the trays under the ale taps and Zack watched me suspiciously. "What you both doing for closing day tomorrow?" She asked ignoring the tension in the room. I almost forgot the bar was closed tomorrow for the annual street and beach party. We open a bar on the beach but it wasn't any of our turns this year to run it so we had a free full day. I continued tilling up trying my best to concentrate on the amounts going in even though I was struggling seeing Zack and Katey now full on watching me. "Earth to Cassie!" Katey waved in front of my face. "Oh erm...I don't know just yet" I rashly replied slamming the till shut. "Wanna come to the party with me?" I couldn't be harsh towards Katey and she was just trying to be kind to me so I nodded smiling at her warmly to agree before letting out a long sigh. "Sorry I just don't feel 100% Right now I think I am getting a migraine" I apologetically lied rubbing the back of my hand on my forehead. "It's ok...well I will be round for you at 11ish" She smiled back heading to the front of the bar. 

I turned to Zacky to hand him the receipts from the night before out of the till. He took them from me not removing his eyes from my movements. "Is something bothering you?" He asked suspiciously. "Why would you think that?" I replied without emotion. "Cos you are acting off right now", His eyes looked a tad hurt and I started to think maybe Linds was wrong about him this time. I smiled softly at him as i leaned in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me resting his head on mine. "I'm sorry, My head just hurts so damn much" I reassured. "I know a cure for that" He whispered sexily as I pulled away to get ready for customers. The night became busy fast and we didn't get a break all night because of the mad rush. I called last orders at the bar when a unfamiliar man was sat talking to Zack watching me, I was sure he was checking me out. I glanced back every now and again noticing his eyes only ever leaving me when ever Zack was looking his way. Curiosity started to itch at me wanting to know who this man was but I just guessed he was one of Zacks friends. "Zack you go out for your break I can manage for a few minutes" I called across to him serving the last customer. "But we finish in thirty minutes" He shouted back over the music. "Yeah well you look tired just go for a quick fag and I will go out after you" I insisted. Zack nodded and headed outside the man from the bar following him but still looking back at me as he walked. I quickly got on with tidying behind the bar as people finished their last drinks. Katey headed through and insisted I go out for a quick fag too while she took over. I agreed heading outside with my cigarettes in hand but paused near the door when I heard Zack talking to the man. "So you fucked her then?" The unfamiliar man asked. "Seriously man, I aint gonna just spill everything to you like that", I smiled at the way he was wanting to keep us private to a point. "Zack she is hot if you haven't already I may have to try to get in there!" The man laughed. I heard Zack sigh before he continued. 

"I did...twice" I could hear the smile in his tone of voice as the other man laughed patting him on the back. I felt mortified he was telling someone he had "fucked"  me twice and worse still they noticed me as I tried to step outside out of view to get my nicotine fix. "Cassie!" Zack called me across I smiled and walked across acting like I never heard anything. "Katey took over and kinda forced me outside" I smiled shyly trying my best to not pay attention to the man with his eyes allover me. He introduced us and I found out his name was Brian. He made me feel really uncomfortable with his eyes undressing me, Zack didn't seem to mind which I found strange. I smoked my cigarette quickly and headed back inside, Zack and Brian following. The minute we closed and finished cleaning I headed upstairs to my room before Zack could try anything. I locked my door and climbed into bed just in my underwear trying to drift off to sleep but I could hear everyone downstairs having a last minute lock in. I groaned into the pillow trying my best just to block out the noise. I must of drifted off at some point because I was suddenly awoken by a banging on my door and a fiddling of the door handle. I sat silent for a moment watching the door before I shouted out to them. "It's Zack!" He slurred sounding pretty drunk. "Zack I said before I don't feel well. I just want to sleep" I called back annoyed at his drunken state. "I want my goodnight kiss!" He hiccuped at the end and I cringed at the thought of him falling over trying to kiss me. "Tomorrow Zack" I groaned laying back down ignoring him banging and trying to force the door open. Linds must of gone out because she wouldn't be letting him go off like this right now. 

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