Sorry is just a word

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Zack's POV

"What?! What you gonna do?" Matt qeustioned me as Val's draw dropped. "I was planning on convincing Cassie that she should see someone else and not Lucy" I explained but both Val and Matt looked at me stunned. "Dude this may be a sign you have to tell her what happened" Matt insisted in a serious as voice. I sat for a moment trying to think how that one would work out for me. Either Cassie would hate me and never let me back in to her life again or she could end up having a break down. There was other possibilities but I didn't want to think of them right now. "Sweety you should tell her. She will know something is up if you try and stop her from seeing that shrink again" Val said in a soft voice. Why couldn't I of kept some control that day when I saw Lucy. "But what if she leaves me?" I almost whimpered feeling like I wanted to cry. "I think it would be a chance you would have to take. Plus how do you know this Lucy chick won't just go and tell Cassie anyway?" Matt added. He was right. It would be better coming from myself than Lucy. I nodded in agreeance and glanced back into the house at Cassie sat in the back livingroom. She was watching Adventure Time. Such a big kid but one of the reasons why I lover her. "Ok I will tel her. But I need you guys to let me do this alone" I muttered. "We will get off now. We have stuff to do anyway so .... good luck I guess" Matt gave me a reasuring smile as him and Val headed back into the house to say bye to Cassie. Once they had said bye they headed through the house and out the front door. I stayed sat just watching Cassie from the back garden nervious as hell. Unsure of how she was going to take this. What if she told me to leave? I had the ring so maybe if I give it to her she may understand I have changed and I am not the same person I was. 

I sucked it up and headed inside. The ring had been in my jacket pocket since I bought it waiting for somewhere to hide it but I felt now would be the time to give it her after speaking with her about Lucy. I was not doing it to try and make her stay I just wanted her to believe I was giving myself to Cassie fully now. "You wanna take a picture? Will last longer" Cassie giggled peeking over the back of the sofa at me. I didn't even realise I was stood gorping at her. I laughed it off and sat next to her feeling my heart rate pick up and my hands began to sweat. I looked up at her and to only feel myself begin to shake. She was smiling at me sweetly which made this even harder. "I have to talk to you" I muttered. "Ok. What about?" She muted the tv and as silence hit the room my uneasy breathing became audible. "I want you to listen to me and not interupt me. Please hear me out fully before you make assumptions...ok?" I added staring at the floor then glancing back up at Cassie who now had her arms crossed over her chest and a emotionless expression on her face. "You promise Cassie?" I pushed. "Ok but this doesn't sound like it is going to be something good" She added. I took a deep breath and exhaled trying to release the tension that was building inside of me but it was no use. I was in shit creek without a paddle and I had to take the dive now or walk away. "While you was in Iowa I went to see a shrink also to try and fix myself. My usual shrink wasn't there and the one I did see was Lucy." She nodded not looking concerned at all. It was now or never. "You know I love you and I would never do anything I had done in the past again to you right?". "Zack just get to the point" She scolded. Did she know what I was going to say already? "Sorry.....well the thing is Lucy looks a lot like you and I was so heart broken that you had left that something happened." Cassie began to grit her teeth but she wasn't yelling at me....yet. I didn't know what she was thinking. "Continue" She breathed out trying to force calm into her voice. "Well she began to flirt with me and I lost complete control" I instantly let my face fall into my hands. I felt so ashamed saying it out loud to Cassie and I couldn't bare to look at her right now. She stayed silent and still for what felt like an eternity untill she finally spoke. "Did you have sex with her? While I was in iowa no other time?" She questioned. I nodded unable to look her in the eyes. "OK......Well as much as it sucks that happened we were never together so it is nothing to do with me is it?" Cassie continued. 

Falling for the devil!                             a zacky vengeance fanficWhere stories live. Discover now