Something has gotta give

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I had been laid in the sand sobbing for a while feeling numb and unable to move. I was shaking and felt nothing but intense pain in my lower stomach and back. I knew I had to move as I was getting cold but as I leaned up I noticed I was bleeding from somewhere with all the blood in the sand near my legs. I shuffled to look and was horrified when I saw I was bleeding from between my legs. They had seriously hurt me and I needed a doctor but was to scared to call 911. If they found out what happened Dave and the other two would surely come after me, my sister or even Zack. I panicked and cried even more clinging to my stomach as I got to my feet. It was no use as I tried to stand I collapsed back to the floor in agony. I panicked even more when I remembered I left my phone at home and had no choice but to walk back alone. After fighting to get to my feet and gritting my teeth through the pain I manged to start to slowly drag myself back. what normally was a five minute walk took me twenty minutes. Nobody was around to ask for help at all. I didn't know what to do when I got inside and hoped to god I could sneak past my sister and Katey without them noticing me. I felt ashamed of what had just happened to me and didn't want anyone to know. I was also terrified of what would happen if I told. I got to the front door and pushed it open. I looked down at the floor to see a trail of blood down my drive. I must of started to bleed more rapidly as I got back to the front of the house. I felt myself go dizzy then everything went black. 

Megan's POV

I heard a thud then a crash from something breaking behind the sofa I was laid on. I sat up to see the front door open and jumped to my feet thinking someone had broken in. As I moved around the sofa I saw the most horrifying site I have ever laid my eyes on. Cassie was laid half in the house with her legs covered in blood. It looked like she was bleeding to death. I rushed across to her turning her over to check her face. Her face was swollen bad on one side and became I angry as now I knew someone had done this to her. "KATEY WAKE UP!" I screamed forcing Katey to jump up rapidly. She ran across to me and began to cry hysterically when she saw Cassie. "Oh my god what happened to her?!" She cried in a panic. "Katey stay calm! We need to get her some help now! Call 911!" I ordered. Katey did as I told and grabbed her phone begging for an ambulance. I tried to work out where the blood was coming from when the only place that was obvious struck fear into me. I reached for the bottom of Cassie's dress and pulled it up slowly. Just what I thought but what could cause this? Allsorts went through my head at this point. I didn't know who would do this to my baby sister she was too nice of a person for anyone to want to hurt her. Except for Dave but he was done with long ago. "Shall I call Zack?" Katey whimpered clutching her phone tightly. I thought for a second and remebered seeing how much he really cared for her. She was obviously losing a lot of blood and it dawned on me she was dying. If this was it I would never forgive myself if she never had him say goodbye. I nodded then turned back to Cassie trying my best to keep myself calm for her. 

Zack's POV

I was just about to head up to bed when I heard my phone ring. I got up to answer it seeing it was Katey I hoped Cassie had said some nice things about me and Katey was letting me know what was what. I stepped outside front closing the door behind me. "Hey Katey whats..." "Zacky?! It's Cassie!" She sounded panicked. "What? What's up?" I aksed hoping everything was ok. "Well I don't know exactly I had to phone an ambulance there is blood everywhere she is bleeding and looks like she has been beaten!" She cried down the phone. It was almost hard to make out what she was saying. "Oh god, I will be right over!" I was just about to hang up when I heard Katey scream something. "What?" I asked panicked. "Make your way to the hospital the paramedics are here" and then she hung up. I ran back inside about to grab the keys then remebered Matt would have to drive me I was far too drunk. Wouldn't be good getting arrested when Cassie needs me. "What's up dude?" Matt looked at me confused. "It's Cassie. The girls are rushing her to hospital. They say she is losing a lot of blood and looks like someone has beaten her badly" I splurted out in panicked speed. "I'll give you a lift" Matt got up fast grabbing his car keys and we both rushed out the door into his car. The whole ride to the hospital we stayed silent, tears ran down my face as I sobbed quietly trying to stay calm. I wanted Cassie to be ok. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. After we got there Matt parked near the entrance and we both ran into the reception area. "Oh my god your here" Katey cried rushing to me and Matt hugging us. "This way! we are aloud to wait in here" She called back pulling me by the hand Matt following through the doors and corridoors till we reached a offset waiting room. "What happened?" I begged Megan as we enetered the room. "We don't know. One minute she is heading upstairs to bed the next she collapses through the front door waking us up in a state." Megan sobbed, her hands and arms covered in what I believed to be Cassie's blood. 

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