Is it really too late?

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Zacks POV

I had been laid awake for an hour now since waking up unable to move deep in thought. Cassie looked so peaceful and beautiful while she slept, it made me sad to move when she was happy laid on my chest. I listened to her slow breathing as I held her thinking of what I was going to do. I dreamed all night of me and Cassie being together for real, no using each other...all emotions involved. In the dream it felt good but I couldn't do that for real. Ever since my first relationship I promised myself to never trust another women again and instead I just have fuck buddies or casual sex with no ties to anything or anyone. I needed to keep it casual with Cassie no matter what I was feeling. If I had to hurt myself and her a little during the process to not become attached I would have to. In that thought I got up being careful not to wake her picked up my clothes. I crept out of her room into my own then grabbed a change of clothes before a shower. 30 minutes later I was dressing in my room to hear a knock at the bathroom door. I rushed putting my jeans on before opening the door to see Cassie standing there looking tired and upset. Her eyes fell onto mine and I felt my heart jump, I couldn't describe what I was feeling but my heart was starting to deceive me.

"I just wanted to say i'm sorry" She stammered under her breath. I felt something pull at my insides hearing the pain in her soft voice. "I'm sorry too" I smiled back reaching out to hug her. She smiled coyly walking into my arms letting out a deep sigh. I took in Cassie's scent holding her tight and close to me preying for a way to stop these emotions building up inside me. She pulled away from me and headed back into her own room, I watched her close the door as I closed the door on my side of the bathroom. "What am I doing?" I whispered to myself pacing back and forth. I had somehow fallen for someone who at first was just going to be a bit of harmless fun. Yeah I was a jerk for expecting it when she had gone through so much, but I thought maybe helping her would help me. Instead I hurt her and that was not ok. I thought back to all those times she smiled at me or would laugh at my jokes feeling tears well up in my eyes. "I love her" I whispered in realization and shock. "Oh god what am I going to do?!" I groaned diving face first onto my bed. I thought of how selfish and cruel I had been and needed a way to make this right again. I thought back to Seth who she met at the beach/street party. I didn't know him personally but from what I always saw of him he was a nice guy. "I could set them up, then she won't be feeling alone or hurt anymore" I smiled to myself at first thinking it was a good idea till images of them two together came into my head causing me to lose all excitement. The thought of Cassie with someone else hurt...a lot. 

I didn't realize it till now but that night she met her "old friend" at the bar down the road I was upset and went to keep an eye on her not for her own protection, it was because I didn't want him to make a move on her. When I was on the beach watching her with Seth it drove me crazy. I pretended to not know him because he seemed like a nice guy but I have heard stories about him which I hoped were only rumours. Now the idea of Cassie and Seth together made me mad. I realized I needed some guy time with the lads to try and figure out what to do. It was my night off so what the hell. I grabbed my shoes and rushed down the stairs and outside dialing Matt's number into my phone. "Hey man what's up?", "I am heading round to yours now are the guys there?" I asked rushing down the street to get the bus. "Yeah man, they all here. We will see you soon." I hung up the phone jumping onto the first bus that came which went towards Matt's house. It took about ten minutes to get onto the end of his street. I jumped off the bus and rushed up to his door letting myself in. I suddenly felt relief seeing the guys sat on the sofa's playing some poker. I sat down silently huffing for my breath as everyone looked at me confused. "You ok Zack?" Jimmy laughed placing his bet. "I don't know man something's up" I moaned placing my head into my hands. "What happened?" Johnny questioned handing me a beer. "I don't exactly know myself to be honest" I opened the beer glugging half of it down before noticing all the guys attention was on me. 

Falling for the devil!                             a zacky vengeance fanficWhere stories live. Discover now