Honesty is the best policy

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Cassie POV

"Hello!!! Earth to Katey" I waved my hand infront of her face franticaly snapping her out of her thoughts. "I honestly don't know" She whispered barely audible. "Well you need to decide fast because you being like this is making you drink and you shouldn't drink while you know your pregnant. You been to the doctors?" I qeustioned. "Yeah, they said I am 11 weeks" Katey replied emotionless. "I think you should tell him" I replied honestly. I know it wasn't my place to say anything to her about this but I didn't think it was right her keeping it quiet from him. "That's the thing, what if I do and he rejects me and our baby?" Zack froze behind Katey. He must of heard that last part as he was coming towards the room. Katey never noticed he was there but the look on his face was complete shock. He kept eye contact with me then paced in slowly. "Please don't tell him" She sobbed letting her face fall into her hands. "Katey. I wasn't ease dropping I walked in at the wrong time but trust me Brian wouldn't reject you. He would be there for you" Zack added trying to be sincere. Katey just sobbed even harder into her hands. I looked up at Zack unsure of what to say or do. I didn't really know this Brian guy but Zack did and I trusted Zack enough now to know he gave honest advise. "Katey you need to tell him. You need to tell him before it is too late because if you leave it too long he may feel hurt" I suggested. Katey lifted her head to look back at Zack then me sniffling as she did. "Will you come with me?" Katey asked me. I had to get out of the house sometime maybe to help a friend was the right senario to keep my mind busy and off the panic. I nodded and smiled reaching for her hand. "Cassie do you really think that is a good idea? You sure your ready?" Zack pestured me concerned. "I'll be fine. Katey needs me right now, that is all that matters" I smiled back at him. He nodded his head and smiled sincerely back at me letting me know if I was sure, then he was ok with it.  

"Tell you what why don't we invite him over while Matt and Val are here then we can leave them two to talk" Zack smiled. "That's a good idea! No time like the present" I felt bad pushing it on her but at least if he kicks off Matt and Val would be here to help. "NO! I want to wait a few weeks!" Katey insisted. "Katey by then he would of guessed it and he will be upset you haven't told him you need to tell him now" I insisted. She stopped for a second deep in thought and then nodded to agree. I knew this was the right thing because she had been drinking knowing she was pregnant which is bad for the baby. Maybe if Brian knew and he was nicer to her it would stop the behaviour Katey is pulling off. "Ok I've text him, he is on his way now" Zack smiled. "Everything will be ok. I promise" I reasured. Katey began to smile softly at me. I knew she would feel better doing it now rather than later. While waiting for Brian I made some salad and fried up a few steaks for everyone. I thought if they was busy eating it would stop them from trying to listen to the possible argument that was about to happen. I served it all up and Zack helped me carry the plates outside. I placed Katey's infront of her in the kitchen and just as the door bell rang I set Brians down oposite her. Zack let Brian in and led him into the kitchen. "Hey Brian" I smiled. He just nodded looking tired then glanced at the back of Katey's head looking lost and hurt. "Hey Katey" Brian muttered. She just nodded towards him not once making eye contact. "So we shall leave you two to talk and we will be out back if you need us. Brian that plate is yours" I smiled grabbing Zack by the arm and leading him out side. 

We sat down and began to eat. Val and Matt was already digging into their steak and salad chatting away. Me and Zack just sat there silent feeling awkward and trying to listen out for any signs of trouble inside. "You guys alright? You seem awful quiet" Val laughed at us. We both nodded frantically in unison smiling. We must of looked crazy as Matt stared between us both with a confused look on his face. "WHAT?!!!!" was all we heard coming from the kitchen. We knew at that moment katey had told Brian and I felt the need to go in and back her up if he got nasty about it. I began to stand up but Zack pulled me back into my seat and shook his head at me to ignore it. Val and Matt looked in towards the house confused and looking a little worried. "YOU CAN'T JUST FUCKING DO THAT TO ME!" He continued to scream. That was it I knew I had to go in there and help Katey but before I could leave the table Brian came storming out and pointed at me and Zack. "DID YOU TWO ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" He yelled towards me and Zack. I froze unsure of what to say as Katey rushed out side following Brian. "No they didn't! I swear!" Katey begged. Zack stood up and protectivly placed his arm around me. I didn't know what was going on exactly but something told me Brian was angry mainly at me. I thought this was the right thing. "What about you two!" He demanded from Matt and Val. "Dude what the fuck are you on about?!" Matt demanded back as Val looked shocked at the scene opening before her. "That ...That....Katey is going to get an abortion with my child! Now who fucking planted that idea into her head!" He growled at us all landing his eyes on me. "Woah Brian I am all against abortions and nobody planted that idea in anyones head" I began to explain before he cut me off. "YOU ARE ACTUALLY THE ONE I THINK HAS DONE THIS! YOU LOST YOUR CHILD AND CAN'T HANDLE SOMEONE ELSE BEING HAPPY SO TALKED HER INTO AN ABORTION!" He screamed at the top of his lungs getting into my face. Those words hurt me reminding me of what happened but the accusation hurt just as much. My eyes welled up and before I could say anything back Zack had pulled me out of the way and already dove ontop of Brian punching him in the face. Katey ran to me running into my arms shaking scared and Matt rushed over to the lads to try and break it up. Val stood up in shock and rushed out of the way towards me and Katey. 

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