A nightmare coming true

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3 days later


Finally I had finished waiting about for the final furniture being delivered. My sister Megan had come down to help me unpack and spend a bit of time with me before going back to Australia. The house was looking amazing. I decided not to redecorate as it looked freshly done anyway and the white walls made it look clean and modern. Also the bedrooms and bathrooms were newly decorated to my liking anyway. "I'm back!" Megan sang, walking through the front door with bags full of subway sandwiches and cookies. I smiled as I got up off the floor and followed her into the kitchen. Katey was here also helping me get things sorted so I could be comfortable by tomorrow at least. We all took a seat at the dining table and began to dig into the bags for our subways and a cookie each. Megan had only been here since last night but she was already getting along with Katey. "So you having a house warming party or?" Katey smiled. "You just want an excuse to get drunk again" I giggled. "Nah uh! Not true. I just want an excuse to get you some lovin!" Katey giggled back in a childlike manner causing my sister to look at me shocked. "You are seeing Seth aren't you?" Megan asked puzzled pouring everyone a glass of coke. I paused for a moment unsure of how to answer to that. "Well...we are just getting to know each other for now" I muttered trying to avoid the conversation. Each time my love life got brought up around Katey the past few days she would always mention Zack. "But she likes Zack more!" Katey added. Trust her to drop me in it. "Who is Zack?" Megan continued, both of them now facing each other and talking like I wasn't even here. 

"He is some guy me and Cassie work with, he is so cute. You would really like him. He has tattoo's and piercings and he is a tiny bit chubby but that makes him all the more cuter" Katey cracked on. "Really? So why is Cassie not with him then?" Megan was now eyeing me like I had been hiding a dirty secret but in a playful way. "Because they act like a married couple and argue all the time! But I think they should be together because he loves her and she clearly loves him..." I had to stop this. "I am right here you know!" I moaned in annoyance. "Oh my god Cassie. Your in love?!" My dear sister squealed forcing me to flinch at the high pitch. "No...well maybe, urgh... I don't know!" I got up from my seat and headed back into the front room to finishing unpacking cd's and dvd's. Both carried on giggling away in the kitchen but I could hear everything due to the echo through the house. "So how would you compare him to Seth?" Obviously my sister was going to try and take control of my love life now. I was just irritated. "Well Seth is the innocent blonde surfer guy right? You know him don't you?...Well Zack is like metal. He is steaming hot and he is just Cassie's type. He may have been a jerk in the past but he has realized how much he loves Cassie now. I only know because I have heard him and Linds talking about it and I like to ease drop" I couldn't believe the Pace Katey was talking at. You would think she was drunk right now. That girl never breaths. For the next five hours of unpacking and putting stuff away Katey and Megan was talking about random stuff including men and each time that came up they would talk about Zack and Seth again! I was starting to struggle to lose my temper until I noticed we had done enough for the day. The Final two rooms could be done tomorrow. 

"Hey you fancy a night on the tiles? Meal first!" Megan smiled walking towards me. So now I exist do i? "I don't know i'm a bit tired to be honest" I moaned leaning back against the wall. "Come on it will be fun" Katey added playfully. "Are you on drugs?" I laughed tossing an empty box at her. She looked at me gobsmacked then laughed back throwing some foam off the floor back at me. "Come on you need to chill!" Katey now sang. I rolled my eyes knowing they wouldn't let this drop two against one and stood to my feet wiping paper and dust off my jeans. "Ok but let me get a shower and get sorted first" I smiled heading upstairs. "Wear a dress!" Megan giggled up the stairs. "Hey can we borrow something of yours Cassie?" She continued running up after me. I slammed the door quickly locking it and said yes then got the fastest and yet most relaxing shower in my life. Once done I grabbed a towel and headed into the hallway to grab the box with my dresses and shoes in. After much rummaging I finally found a simple black summer dress with spaghetti straps. It ended mid thigh and decided on some sandals rather than heels. I didn't want to dress up too much and on a Thursday night normally everyone wore toned down stuff like this on a night out anyway on the strip. I kicked the box outside to let the girls have a look through what was left over and started on my hair and makeup. I didn't do it over the top just enough to make me look pretty. Actually I think it was the least makeup I had worn in a while but it was just enough to look cute. I stood back to look at the final result and after feeling happy I headed downstairs where the girls were already sat on my new sofas ready and drinking without me. I noticed the JD on the table and grabbed it while sticking my tongue out at Megan. I knew it was her favourite drink also but I wanted first dibs. 

Falling for the devil!                             a zacky vengeance fanficWhere stories live. Discover now