The perfect ring

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Zacks POV

I had been laid awake watching Cassie sleep for an hour now brushing my finger tips through her hair. She was the most beautiful and most perfect women I had ever laid eyes on. I needed to get up to meet Matt and Val for breakfast but Katey was late as always. Finally I heard her let herself in downstairs and I jumped out of bed tucking the covers back around Cassie and then throwing some clothes on. I rushed down stairs to Katey before she came looking for Cassie. I didn't know if Cassie wanted anyone to know straight away about last night so thought I would leave that for her to decide. "Cassie is asleep, I would appreciate it if you didn't bother her and let her wake up in her own time" I aksed Katey hoping she wouldn't walk in on a naked Cassie in bed. "Ok" She simply smiled placing herself infront of the tv in the front room. I was just about to head out the door when Katey began to huff and puff loudly almost exagerated. I felt rude leaving without asking. "You ok?" I questioned hoping she would just act like nothing was wrong so I could leave. "Well if you must know..." Katey turned towards me rage in her eyes "How come Brian is such a useless and annoying fucking twat?! Why does he think messing with me is ok?!" I had to interupt her before she got loud enough to disturb Cassie. "Katey! I honestly do not know you would have to ask him. Now I am running late you gonna be ok?" I waited for her reply but she just shrugged and sulked towards the tv. I took this as a chance to get out fast. I rushed down the street and onto the beech front as I made my way towards Starbucks. Matt's car was parked down the street which meant I was probably more late than I realised. I headed inside to see Val and Matt holding hands smiling intently at eachother with 3 drinks on the table. One I presumed was mine. 

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, Katey was being a drama queen when she got there" I smiled taking a seat. "It's ok honey. How you feeling? Cassie ok?" Val beemed at me mixing her sugar in her coffee. I nodded and smiled in reply to everything was good. "You got laid last night" Matt piked up suddenly instantly sending me beetroot red. "What?" I choked on my sip of coffee. "Oh my jesus you did get laid last night" He chuckled tyo himself again. "Matt!" Val scoulded then smiled back at me softly. "Ok yeah we had sex last night" Matt had almost made me feel ashamed but the thing was I had no reason to be I loved Cassie. She reslly was my world. "You tow together then?" Val added. "I honestly don't know. I hope so I mean we both admitted our love for eachother last night so maybe" I tried to explain now feeling like a complete twat. "I am sure you will both talk properly later about it." Val reasured. Panic almost took over me as I suddenly realised we was both drunk, I meant what I said but did she? How do I know it wasn't a weak moment she had like in the past. "Zack I agree I am sure things will work out so stop ripping coasters" Matt laughed yanking the ripped paper coasters from my hands. I never even realised I was doing that. I nodded to agree forcing myself to calm down. As Matt and Val started the conversation and I pretended to be paying attention I started to think of what I really wanted for me and Cassie. I knew it was probably too soon and a bit rash but I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I wanted to make sure I would be the one to make her happy, grow old with her and protect her forever. I wanted to marry her and this was not normal for me to be thinking this way. I wanted to believe we would one day have kids together and be happy and proud of eachother. I then started to think about money and how I could take care of her when I suddenly remembered my savings account I started when I was just 10 years old. I had forgot about that and the last time I remebered about it was when I set up a direct debit to go from my wages into that account each pay day.

My parents mainly paid into that account while growing up but the last time I checked I had an awful lot of money in there. I started to think about what I could buy Cassie to make her feel special and then it dawned on me. "I want to propose to Cassie!" I interupted the conversion suddenly without even giving a second thought. Matt and Val both paused mouths agape at me in shock. I knew they would think it was a stupid idea or too soon. "Zack...honey....are you sure now is the right time? With everything that has happened don't you think you both need time?" Val carefully replied. "I don't know. All I know is I don't want to lose her and I want this more than anything" I replied seeing Vals face become hazy with how soft I had finally become. "What if she says no?" Matt continued. "I won't ask her straight away. I will buy the ring today and save it till I know the time is right for both of us" I reasured. "I think that is a better idea than rushing into it today" Val smiled and Matt nodded to agree. We finished up our drinks and some waffles we ordered as we made plans for the morning. Both of them came with me to the bank to transfer money from my savings into my main account. When checking the balance I almost fainted to see $100,000 was just sat there. I never even knew it was that much, my parents must of added to it without me knowing. I transfered half of it knowing the extra cash would come in handy for something sometime soon and headed straight to the most extravagent jewellers in Huntington Beach. 

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