You will be mine....even if it kills you part 3

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A week later

Cassie's POV

I sat staring at the blank tv screen for the tenth time today. I couldn't think, eat, sleep or do anything. I hadn't even taken Zack's stuff to Lucy's yet, I just locked myself inside wanting to be left alone hoping he would come for them himself. All week I had sat in silence pretty much with no tv, no music and when it got dark no light. People had been to the door and nocked in it but I just sat silent and ignored it. I knew if it were Zack he would try his key first so to undo the dead bolt lock for him to get his stuff. But the only people who had been had no key and had only nocked. I was hoping they thought I had gone away for a bit but every day someone new came nocking for a few minutes. Then shouting through the letter box and after so long giving up. Matt and Val had come most days and the rest of the time it was Linds or Katey and Brian. Sometimes Jimmy and maybe the odd sales person trying to catch me in. I decided to get myself a beer from the fridge but as I headed past the front door towards the kitchen the letter box opened and a set of eyes spotted me. "Hey! Cassie! Open this door!" Katey demanded. I stood and turned to look back at her feeling no emotion at all. I just wanted to kick the letter box door back down but the effort of lifting my foot to do that right now was not within me. I shrugged and kept going into the kitchen when I heard someone trying to kick the door in. I continued to ignore the comotion outside but could hear Katey yelling that I look half dead and ill. I didn't think I looked that bad, tired maybe but not half dead. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat at the dining table begginging to drink as I heard the front dor break open. "Cassie!" I heard Linds voice shout into the house. "In here!" katey shouted to the people walking into my house. 

"Cassie?" Val quietly and gently said waling towards me. I could feel many eyes wathing behind me but refused to turn and continued to drink the beer. "Hey honey you ok?" She asked in a whisper almost sitting oposite me reaching for my hand. I moved it and put it on my leg under the table refusing to make eye contact with her. Val looked back up at the people behind me sympatheticaly and then I felt a large hand grab the beer from me and snatching me up from my seat. "Get the fuck off me!" I snapped yanking my arm from his grip to meet Matt's eyes. He stod staring back at me loking pissed off. "You need to help us find Zack" Brian added. I looked across the kicthen to see Katey, Val, Matt, Brian, Linds, Jimmy and johnny were the ones who forced themselves into my home. "Find him yourselves I am done with that dick" I spat grabbing my beer from Matt and sitting back down at the table. "Cassie he was suppose to come back to work 6 days ago but never showed. He hasn't come back here and his phone is turned off. Something is not right here" Linds pleaded with me. "Tell someone who gives a fuck" I spat again taking big gulps of my beer at a time. "Look Cassie this is serious we may have to cal the police. Nobody has seen him since you two had that argument not even his parents. You need to help us he culd be depressed..." I interupted Matt cutting him off first by slamming my beer through the glass table shattering it. "He may be depressed?! WHAT ABOUT ME?! WHO CARES HOW HE FEELS RIGHT NOW HE SHOULDN'T OF FUCKING SHAGGED LUCY AND GOT HER PREGNANT!" I screamed in Matt's face. The anger dropped from his own and softened. I stood glaring into his eyes angry wanting to hit someone but I kept control to a degree. "I know this is hard for you but that doesn't matter rght now. What does matter is we know he is safe and not dead or drugged up drunk in a ditch somewhere. Please Cassie help us" Matt begged calmly this time. I let out a long exhausted breath and pulled my hand down my face giving in to defeat. "Have you tried Lucy?" I muttered. Everyone went quiet and looked at eachother confused. "That night we had the argument. I was going to try and fix all this mess and try to get Lucy to be civil with me but when I was at the dor I could hear them fucking" Everyone looked at me wide eyed except Val who now seemed to understand why I reacted the way I did that night outside Lucy's. 

"Are you sure it was him?" Brian asked. "Yeah. She......She......She was screaming his fucking name for christ sake" I began to sob quietly sitting back down and downing the rest of my beer. Everyone stayed silent for a few more seconds as I kept my back to them. I don't know why but I felt ashamed for him. I felt humiliated and embarressed. "Oh Cassie I am so sorry" Katey impulsed at me pulling me into a hug while I just sat not returning anything. "It's fine. It's done now. It's over" I pushed Katey away wanting to be left alone. "Then if you are sp fine about it why are you sitting inside sulking and not taking care of yourself?" Linds asked me confused. May as well let the rest loose now. I didn't think it was possible as I had my period, shorter than usual but still I knew the test was right and the morning sickness was nothing random. "Because I took a test and I'm pregnant" I stated. "What? Then why are you drinking?" Matt snapped at me grabbing the empty beer bottle from my hand. "It doesn't matter" I muttered. "Yes it fucking does. After everything you and Zack had been through and now you are given a second chance you are killing that poor thing inside of you. Look at yourself! You clearly haven't eaten in days and your drinking beer!" Matt snapped angrily at me through gritted teeth hands firmly on the table leaning into my face in a abusive manner. "To be honest I just want to die" I admitted. I didn't even find it difficult to admit. After everything I had been through with Dave and the gang rape. My parents dying. Being left alone in this world and the only person I thought could ever love me going off to shag other women behind my back while I am pregnant with his child (even though he doesn't know but still). I just couldn't take it any longer. I felt selfish for feeling this way while pregnant, I should be happy. But I had given up on the world now. "Cassie? Please don't feel that way" Matt now calmed pulling me up into a hug forcing me to stand. I just let and and sobbed hard not caring that everyone could hear and see me. "I can't take all this pain anymore" I cried as Val hugged me and Matt also. Everyone else stepped outside allowing me time to calm down while Matt and Val both held me trying to calm me. 

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