The Fun Has Arrived!

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Me: The fun has arrived!

Narrator: More likely that the terror has arrived. And stop quoting movies!

Me: Just start on the story.

Narrator: Sophie had the dream and the dragon told her that they were at Dragon Sorrows.

Me: I had no idea where that was. Another dead end. But as I said before never give up!

Narrator: Shut up!

Me: I don't want to!

Narrator: *Yelling* She went to an internet cafe and used the computer.


Narrator: *Cowers and whimpers*

Me: The internet is the best source of internet.

Narrator: I am the narrator. You even named me Narrator, so let me do my job! You're worse than yesterday.

Me: You haven't seen half of what I have planned.

Narrator: Oh crap!

Me: *Laughs evilly*

Narrator: Anyway she looked up Dragon Sorrows. By the way did I tell you that is a dumb name? If I didn't it is a dumb name. Do you have a permanent case of Writer's Block?

Me: I will tell you this once; READ THE DANG STORY!

Narrator: She actually found something. How in the world did she find something on a place with a name like that?

Me: It is a fictional story. And it is my story. I can make whatever I want happen. That is the fun of being a writer. Characters are on a script. They have to do what I want. I can make strange things happen.

Narrator: *Does a head stand and does the chicken dance* Stop it!

Me: Nope, I told you I had a lot of things planned.

Narrator: Why do you hate me?

Me: Because I do.

Narrator: Please make it stop!

Me: Fine, since you said please.

Narrator: *Sits on beanbag* She found out Dragon Sorrows was in California. Sophie would have to travel from Virginia.

Me: I actually live in Utah. Really nice place. Best I have seen.

Narrator: You only say that because Utah is the only place you have been.

Me: So? It is still the best.

Narrator: You are really annoying.

Me: Yes!!! I can mark off today on my calender.

Narrator: You are mean!

Me: Great!!! I can mark off my other calender. Do you want to know the calender's names?

Narrator: No...

Me: Great! One is called Meany, and the other Annoying!

Narrator: Well that isn't surprising.

Me: Just for that, I am going to give you a hair cut... In the middle of the night.

Narrator: *Sarcastically* Oooo! I am so scared.

Me: Yeah. You better be. I will give you nightmares.

Narrator: How?

Me: As your author, I demand you have nightmares.

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