I don't want to go home! You can't make me!

16 3 2

Me: *Wake up* Ahh!

Narrator: What's wrong?

Me: Why are you next to me?

Narrator: I had bad dreams?

Me: Ha ha. I know you didn't.

Narrator: You looked cold.

Me: I wasn't cold.

Narrator: A boyfriend isn't allowed to cuddle his girlfriend?

Me: Nope. *Pull away from him and fall off bed* I'm okay!

Narrator: *Hop off bed*

Me: *Get dressed and make eggs and potatoes for breakfast*

Narrator: It is time to go. Get packed.

Me: I don't want to go! You can't make me! Besides I don't like to be told what to do.

Narrator: Go!

Me: Nope.

Narrator: Then I will leave you.

Me: *Hopefully* Really?

Narrator: Yeah.

Me: *Pushes Narrator out door* See ya later.

Narrator: *Skids to halt* You want to stay here? What about getting home.

Me: I can take a shuttle or have Sera give me a ride. I don't want to leave until I get to do all the things I planned.

Narrator: What are the things you planned?

Me: Going to Golden Corral, visiting with Sera, seeing a movie, going to this really good breakfast place, going swimming, having an all night and all day Doctor Who marathon, and making a whole bunch of deserts.

Narrator: You can do all these things at home.

Me: Nope, because at home I don't have a hotel room to myself.

Narrator: You don't have it to yourself.

Me: I pratically do.

Narrator: You practically do at home too.

Me: Nuh uh.

Narrator: Fine! Okay. It will take a day for your marathon, one or two hours with Golden Corral. And you could do it with Sera. You could also go to the movies with her. The next day you can go to your breakfast, go swimming and have all your deserts. I'd say another three days. We can leave on the fourth day.

Me: Yayy!

Narrator: Okay. This starts today.

Me: No. It starts tomorrow.

Narrator: Then what do we do today?

Me: Whatever we want.

Narrator: Whatever I want?

Me: You know what, I changed my mind. We are doing whatever I want.

Narrator: No.

Me: Rock, paper, scissors.

Narrator: Okay. *Starts* Rock, paper, scissors. *Paper*

Me: *Scissors*

Narrator: Best out of five.

Me: Okay. Rock, paper, scissors. *Rock*

Narrator: *Paper*

Me: Rock, paper, scissors. *Paper*

Narrator: *Scissors*

Me: Rock, paper, scissors. *Rock*

Narrator: *Scissors*

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