You, you, you... Onion!

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Narrator: Wake up! This is our last day here. You spent yesterday swimming, going to Golden Corral, visiting with Sera, and watched a movie.

Me: Did you forget about the breakfast? Or the Doctor Who marathon?

Narrator: We are going to breakfast on the way out and then we will watch Doctor Who when we get there.

Me: I'm not packing. You can't make me. I want to stay.

Narrator: I had a feeling you might say that, so I already packed your stuff. I left out a pair of clothes for you.

Me: Nope, I am not going to get dressed, because I don't want to go.

Narrator: Alrighty then. I guess I'll help you.

Me: Nevermind. I will do it myself.

Narrator: I can do it for you.

Me: No! *Grabs clothes and stomps into bathroom grumbling*

Narrator: *Laughs*

Me: I hate you, you, you.... Onion!

Narrator: *Laughs*

Me: *Stomp out and plop on ground by bed*

Narrator: Come on, we need to go get breakfast and leave.

Me: *Stubbornly* No.

Narrator: Don't be so stubborn.

Me: I am staying here.

Narrator: Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Me: Shut up!!

Narrator: Are you coming or not?

Me: I am not.

Narrator: You forced me to do this. *Grabs me*

Me: *Holds onto bed*

Narrator: *Pulls harder*

Me: Stop!

Narrator: Are you coming?

Me: No.

Narrator: *Gives a yank*

Me: *Accidentaly lets go* Noooo!

Narrator: *Throws me over his shoulder*

Me: This is considered kidnapping! I will call my lawyer.

Narrator: You don't have a lawyer.

Me: Then I will call... My mom!

Narrator: I took your phone.

Me: Dang it!

Narrator: *Carries me to car*

Me: Unhand me you onion!

Narrator: Why onion?

Me: Because I hate you and I hate onions. It just makes sense.

Narrator: *Throughs me in car and buckles up seatbelt*

Me: *Tries door* Really? Child lock?

Narrator: Yep.

Me: *Roll down window*

Narrator: *Rolls up window and locks it*

Me: Come on!

Narrator: No way are you getting out. Come on lets eat.

Me: Okay drive to The Breakfast Place.

Narrator: Somebody ran out of ideas for a name.

Me: Shut up! My Uncle Ransle owns that place with his brother Jimba.

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