Embarrassing Nicknames

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Narrator: Hey darling. Wake up.

Me: *Groggily* No mom.

Narrator: I'm not your mom.

Me: Then why'd you call me darling? Only my mom calls me that.

Narrator:Because I thought it might be a nice change. I could call you baby.

Me: Nah. You can call me Sophie.

Narrator: I thought couples came up with nicknames.

Me: Only if you want a really embarrassing nickname.

Narrator: I doubt that you could come up with that bad of a name.

Me: *Smiles evilly* Oh, believe me. I could.

Narrator: *Chuckles nervously* Really? What are some of them?

Me: Booger bear. Head ache. Cootie pie. Onion root. Stink boo. Cow pie. Googly bear. Lovely pot. Vulgar boo. Smoochy pie.

Narrator: I like that last one. Does that mean I get a kiss?

Me: No, but you can a cuss.

Narrator: No thank you. Do you have any more names, because those names names aren't that bad.

Me: Puke face, tootie pie, booger brain, cuddly wuddly pumpkin cutie pututie pie.

Narrator: Okay! I think those are all great nicknames. Do you want to go to IHop with me?

Me: *Smiles evilly* Oh yes. Yes, I do.

Narrator: Great, babe.

Me: If you say that again, I will punch you in the face.

Narrator: Okay, Gertrude.

Me: That's it! *Tackles him to ground*

Narrator: *Laughs*

Me: Any last words Booger Bear?

Narrator: Do I get a last action?

Me: No.

Narrator: Okay then. Good bye cruel world. And I love you, Cutie.

Me: *Growls* I don't like nicknames!

Narrator: Okay. I understand, Pumpkin.

Me: *Tries to punch*

Narrator: *Catches my fist* That's not nice. We have to hurry to IHop. Come on.

Me: Grr! Fine!

Narrator: *Picks me up over his shoulder*

Me: I agreed to go. Let me down.

Narrator: No thanks.

Me: Yes thanks.

Narrator: No thanks.

Me: Yes thanks.

Narrator: No thanks.

Me: Yes thanks.

Narrator: No thanks.

Me: No thanks.

Narrator: Yes thanks.... Wait a minute!

Me: You said yes. No let me down!

Narrator: We're here anyway. *Puts me in car*

Me: I'm a big girl. I can walk!

Narrator: *Drives to IHop*

Me: *Hops out and walks in*

Narrator: *Walks in after me*

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