But the fun has only just begun. Mwahah!

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Me: *Standing over Narrator and pokes him* Good morning sweetie petey pie.

Narrator: *Yells* Ahh!

Me: *Laughs* You scream like a little girl. I just wanted to say... Happy Birthday!

Narrator: Why thank you.

Me: Come on I made you a cake and a present. Hurry! *Yanks Narrator out of bed*

Narrator: But I am in my pajamas!

Me: It doesn't matter.

Narrator: Fine.

Me: *Pull Narrator to kitchen*

Joe: Good morning, little bro.

Sunny: Happy Birthday, Dear. Wasn't it sweet of Sophie to make your cake?

Narrator: Yeah.

Me: *Cut a piece and give it to Narrator*

*Everyone watches as Narrator takes a bite*

Narrator: *Gags* What is in this?

Me: You don't like it? I made it just for you. *Eyes fill up with false tears*

Narrator: Do I have to eat it?

Me: *Cries* You don't love me.

Narrator: Fine! I will it the whole piece.

Me: *Brighten immediately* Really?

Narrator: *Suspicious* Yes.

Me: You make me so happy!

Narrator: *Pokes in cake to find the fish* A fish? Really?

Me: Yeah. Do you like it? You told me you would it the whole piece. *Gestures for him to continue*

Narrator: What about the present you made me?

Joe: She also made cupcakes for us.

Narrator: Really?

Me: Yes. *Grabs a cupcake and takes a bite*

Narrator: *Grabs one too and stuffs half it in his mouth* Hot!!!!

Joe: *Laughs*

Me: Here, I made you cookies.

Narrator: *Warily* What kind?

Me: Just a family recipe.

Narrator: What kind?

Me: A kind.

Narrator: *Grabs another cupcake*

Me: Do you like them?

Narrator: My question is.. Do YOU like them?

Me: I find them quite....

Narrator: *Shoves cupcake in my face*

Me: *Gapes at him and grab a cupcake*

Sunny: Wait! Take this outside! I just cleaned the house.

Joe: *Grabs the cupcakes and heads outside*

Me: *Grabs the cookies*

Narrator: *Grabs the cake*

Sunny: *Closes door*

Me: How do you like this? *Take a cookie and eats it*

Joe: Seriously?

Me: I have to eat too!

Narrator: *Throws the cake at me.*

Me: *Gasp* You missed me!

Narrator: Dang it.

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