Chairs of Music... Wait, I got that wrong.

12 3 2

Me: Wakey, wakey! No more sulking over the fact that you lost the Karaoke game.

Narrator: I am not sulking!

Me: Then why are you still in bed at 12 pm?

Narrator: WHAT?!? It is NOON??

Me: Yep, and I have big plans for today so get up!

Narrator: *Groans then sits up straight* Only if I get a kiss.

Me: No kiss and you will still do what I want.

Narrator: Why would I do that?

Me: Because at the end of the day I MIGHT kiss you.

Narrator: Good enough for me. *Goes and gets dressed in bathroom*

Me: *Get brunch going*

Narrator: So where are we going

Me: We are not going anywhere. Today is game day!!

Narrator: Oh boy. I can already see how this is going to end. With...

Me: Me winning!

Narrator: Nope! Me!!

Me: Yeah right. The only way to see is if we play.

Narrator: Okay! It is ON!!!

Me: Monopoly first. No wait! Breakfast first. Then monopoly.

Narrator: What's for breakfast?

Me: Something yummy.

Narrator: What is it??

Me: Crepes. With nutella!

Narrator: I am allergic to hazelnuts. I get hives.

Me: Okay, okay. *Put nutella on all the crepes* You have anything against whipped cream?

Narrator: Nope.

Me: What about berries?

Narrator: Nope.

Me: Okay, then you get all the berries, because I dislike them.

Narrator: Okay. When will they be ready?

Me: They are ready right... Now!

Narrator: Finally!

Me: Shut up. *Serves crepes*

Narrator: *Stuffs some into his mouth* These are good! *Finishes his 4th*

Me: Maybe you should stop eating them.

Narrator: Heck no! *Stuffs his 6th into his mouth*

Me: Okay, but you might regret it later.

Narrator: *Stops with the 10th on its way to his mouth* You put nutella into them!!

Me: *Runs into bathroom and locks door* Maybe!

Narrator: *Sighs and begins to scratch his arm and stomach* Come on!

Me: *Laughs*

Narrator: *Gets a bobby pin and unlocks bathroom door*

Me: *Eating some crepes in the tub*

Narrator: *Grabs me*

Me: Ahhh!! You shouldn't unlock the door. What if I was using the bathroom, or really getting a bath.

Narrator: But I know you weren't because you went to the bathroom before breakfast.

Me: Still!

Narrator: *Throws me into chair and tickles me*

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