Plotting the Great Pain of a Certain Narrator

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Narrator: For once you are up before two in the afternoon. What do you want to do today?

Me: Ignore you.

Narrator: Don't be like that. Besides if you stay quiet I will assume you are thinking about me.

Me: Oh I am definitely thinking about you. Just probably not the way you want.

Narrator: Then tell me what you are thinking about.

Me: Your great pain. I think I might go to Joe. He has tortured you his whole life. Joe will have great ideas.

Narrator: I am going to leave now.

Me: Okay, go play at the park. Girlfriend has some plans to think about. And a certain narrator's brother.

Narrator: Bye!

Me: See ya! *Walk downstairs*

Narrator: *Quietly sneaks away*

Me: I can see your horrible ninja moves.

Narrator: Crap. *Runs away*

Me: *Walks to Narrator's house*

Joe: *Walks out of house*

Me: Joe! Come! We have many devious plans to think about and do.

Joe: Who is your next victim?

Me: Narrator.

Joe: Again? Why?

Me: Because he drives like a freaking maniac! I almost lost my life! And he didn't break up with me yet.

Joe: You do know that if you didn't make that bet over pancakes you wouldn't be in this mess.

Me: He called me a chicken! If I didn't he would have told everyone! That would be the end of my perfect reputation! The end of life as a chicken-less person.

Joe: Okay. Lets go to my room to plan.

Me: Okay. Let us leave!

Narrator: I am here to tell you the story. Do you perhaps know what Sophie is planning? I have to watch my back from now on.

Sunny: She is probably plotting the great pain of a certain person.

Narrator: Let me guess. That certain person is me.

Sunny: Probably. But you do know that you can get revenge.

Narrator: My revenges usually backfire... Straight into my face. 

Sunny: I will help you. Just this once. You know that back in the day I was the Queen of Pranks.

Narrator: Okay. What should we do? I have absolutely no idea what to do.

Sunny: The internet is a great source of information.

Narrator: That is funny because Sophie said the exact same thing!

Sunny: Sophie is very wise.

Narrator: *Gets on computer* I should make her breakfast! And freeze the cereal. 

Sunny: That is good. Anymore?

Narrator: Hang something above her door. 

Sunny: Okay. Keep going.

Narrator: Dye the water a different color.

Sunny: Good one!

Narrator: Pretend to bake brownies and give an empty pan to her. Glue money to the ground. There is also tape an air-horn to the wall by the door. Make caramel apples with onions. 

Sunny: That last one is just mean!

Narrator: Okay. I guess I won't do that one.

Sunny: Oh you should. But she might hate you forever.

Narrator: Especially since she hates onions. Oh I could talk to her in pig Latin!

Sunny: Yes. Go ahead and keep naming some. Maybe even make a list. But I have to go to an appointment at the doctors office.

Narrator: Okay mom. See ya.

Sunny: Love you, honey. See you soon.

Narrator: I could put honey everywhere! And feathers. Water balloons. I could carry her to my house in the middle of the night. Naw, she weighs too much for that. Oooo. Here's a good one. I could trade her soap for honey.

Me: Any ideas yet?

Joe: Yeah. We could make him a cake with a fish in it.

Me: Cupcakes with hot sauce frosting. 

Joe: Brownies with peanuts. He is allergic. But it isn't a bad reaction. His entire face will turn red for days. And his voice goes high pitched. 

Me: That is a good one. Just as long as he for sure won't be hurt.

Joe: He won't. But his pride may be hurt. 

Me: What do you think he is doing?

Joe: I don't know. And I don't really care. 

Me: When should we put these plans to action?

Joe: Tomorrow. I will meet you at your house. 

Me: Okay. Well I'd better tell part of the story. The dragon woke with a yawn. Sophie asked the dragon where the thing that killed all the dragons was. He got up and led her through the dark forest. Sophie got hungry so she asked the dragon if they could stop somewhere. He agreed and took her to the town. Meet me back here is what he told her. She agreed. Sophie snuck into the city and stole some food. She was almost caught but she ran back to the forest. Nobody dared follow her into the dark forest. For they had heard many rumors about the animals that lived in it. So she got away. Sophie went back to the place where the dragon was, but it wasn't there! She saw a shiny black scale. She knew it was a message. The message told her that her beloved dragon had been taken. Sophie grabbed the scale. She began to walk towards the city when a glint caught her eye. Another scale! She raced towards. There was another and another after that. The scales led her to a dark cave. 

Joe: Interesting. But it is getting dark. I think that you had better go. 

Me: Okay. *Walks out of Joe's room and walks to my house*

Mom: Hi darling. Narrator is here. He has been baking all day for you.

Me: *Suspicious* Really?

Mom: Yeah.

Me: Okay. He's in the kitchen, right?

Mom: Yeah. Why don't you go see him?

Me: I think I will. *Walks into kitchen* Mmm. I smell caramel.

Narrator: Yep. I made caramel apples.

Me: Okay...

Narrator: I also made you a batch of brownies. 

Me: Really?!? Where?

Narrator: Why don't you have a caramel apple first?

Me: Okay.

Narrator: *Hands a caramel apple to me* Here.

Me: *Gives him a kiss on the cheek* Thanks. *Bites into the apple and begins gagging* 

Narrator: *Laughs*

Me: *I make a quick decision* Why do you think I don't like onions? *Breathes fast* I am severely allergic. *Coughs and fake passes out*

Narrator: Uh-oh. Sophie. *Shakes me*

Me: *Pops open my eyes and hops up* You fell for it. And by the way. It is on! 

Narrator: What is on?


I finally finished this chapter! Yayy me! So comment what you think about onions. I find them disgusting. And caramel onion would just be bleh. But you never know. The fight is on between girlfriend and boyfriend. Who do you think will win? Well that is all for tonight. Until the next prank.

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