Chapter 17

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   I watched as Kev placed the last of the pictures on the board. "This is how my dad had his Jason Blossom murder board before it was trashed," Kev says.

"Any leads on who did that? Or what they were looking for?" Jughead says from beside me. I was sitting on the table my him with my head sitting on his shoulder.

"Nope. No fingerprints. But they stole a bunch of files, background checks, and all the video and audiotapes of police interviews," He says. The door opens and we all look over.

"Hey Betty," Trev says walking in.

"Trev, hi!" Betty says.

" Sorry to interrupt," He says.

"Oh, no Uh, it's okay. We're just, uh, working on." Betty says.

"-Our murder board," Jughead says.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tomorrow?" Trev says.

"Absolutely, it's a date," Betty says, Jugs eyes got real wide, "I mean, I'll I'll see you there."

"So, I'll see you. Peace out bye," Trev says awkwardly.

"Peace out bye," Betty says just as awkwardly.

"Going on a date with Trev? Does Mama Cooper know about that?" Kev says.

"Kev, I'm not on house arrest," Betty says.

"Might as well be," I say.

"Okay, she's out of town at a Women in Journalism spa retreat," she says, "Anyway, it's not a 'date' date."

"You just called it a date," Jug says, "You literally said, 'it's a date,'"

"That's just my cover. Really, it's an intelligence gathering mission.We should focus on the one thing we have access to that your dad doesn't. The kids at Riverdale High. You know, maybe Trev knows something about Jason he didn't think was important," She says.

"Or you are going on a date with Trev," I say.

"Are you even listening Y/n?" She says.

"Sorry my brain filters out bullshit," I say causing Kev to laugh.

"It's not a date," She assures me.


"Betty, you're positively radiating Nicholas Sparks. Tell me everything about this Trev," Veronica says as her, Kev, Betty, Jughead, and I walk along the bleachers.

"Oh, there's nothing to tell. Just one of Betty's sources, there's nothing romantic in the offing," Kev says as we sit. 

"Why is everything weird here? Why can't a date just be a date? What about you, Archie? How's life in a PG world?" V says. I sit back by Jughead and open up the lunch box I had and push it towards him. "PG. Post-Grundy. What, too soon?"

"Coach Clayton says I have a shot at being varsity captain. So I'm not thinking about anything else right now," Archie says.

"And you're back to being boring," V says.

"Are you, maybe, throwing yourself into football as a way to avoid your feelings?" Betty asks.

"I'm not avoiding anything, Betty, I'm trying to get my life back on track," He says.

"Bullshit," I say.

"I can help with that" Valerie says, "I know Ms. Grundy was tutoring you."

"Understatement of the year," V says and I start laughing. I stop when Betty glares at me.

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