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The girl hurried to the base, making sure not to get caught. If Danzo figured out she stayed at the temple, then she'd get in trouble. She concealed her chakra and entered the building through the roof door, trying to act as normal as possible.

But then she heard it.

"Stay away from Sasuke."

"On what grounds?"

Is that Danzo? The girl thought.

"I will leak Konoha's secrets to our enemies if you so much as lay a finger on him."

And as quick as the conversation was, the boy Danzo was conversing with was gone. The girl made sure to leave the spot before Danzo bumped into her. When she made it to her shared room, she took off her mask and sat down on the bed.

Who was that boy? Who was he talking about?

Sasuke--Sasuke Uc---

"Danzo requests your presence." A girl stated, her tiger mask on. Before the girl could even respond, she was gone.


"Danzo-sama?" The girl inwardly scowled at the honorific she gave him--the one she was required to use to address him.

"Yes," the man said, beckoning her to come forward. "In recent events, my guards reported sensing an intruder attempting to sneak into the building. I want you on the next two watches, on the roof--they reported seeing this intruder climbing the roof of the base."

She nodded and left, heading to her shared room. There, she grabbed a towel and another set of clothes before going to the bathroom and using the shower. After changing, she used a weak wind Jutsu (she wasn't efficient in that element, and Danzo stated he was going to change it) to dry her hair.

She ran out the room and left the base before climbing the building. Since there wasn't a staircase or a door that led to the roof, she had to get to it from the outside.

On the first watch, nothing happened--by that time, the sun was nearing the horizon. But as she stood on the roof, hand wrapped around the hilt of her katana with her eyes trained on the edge of the gilding, she felt a certain emotion gnawing at her.

It was weird. She had never experienced such feelings.

But this feeling kept bugging her; it made the world turn black and white and muffled all sounds, until she couldn't hear anything.

She suddenly yearned for more.

What is this feeling?


An hour had passed and the feeling hadn't faded. She sighed inwardly before caving in, letting it overpower her.

So she left a clone in her place, and left to the temple.

And when she came back during break, she never expected this to happen.

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