Scotland, wales, Ireland

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(For jessycake2017)
(I hope you enjoy this XD I tried, I don't know anything about these three I admit)

"Oh my god"

"We did it"

"We actually killed him.." The three brothers gulped in guilt. "What are we gonna tell Canada? We can't let him know!" Wales practically whaled a bit panicked. "Don't get your kilt in a twist lad.. We just gotta hide the body! Besides now he can't get in the way" The good ole Scott chirped beginning to grin ear to ear. "God I need to go to a pub" Ireland sighed exhausted. "Is this really okay?" Poor Wales was a bit shaken up. Its not every day you murder your brother for your beloved. "Yes wales, for the love of god its going to be okay! Wait.. There's three of us, who's Canada gonna chose? Plus isn't that kinda gay?" The brothers looked at each other in a panic. Would they have to kill each other? Is some gay shit about to happen? "Well.. Its not gay if its a four-way"

"We're all guys you moron! But a four way could work, I mean I don't really care.. He's ours now"

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