Tim Hortons

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(For Hetalia-Saviour)
((As an American I know nothing of you're strange Canadian ways bwahahahahaha XD *eagles screech in the distance*))

"Coffee.. Coffee.. Coffee.."

"Yo Mattie what's wrong?" Alfred asked the troubled Canadian.. "Coffee.. Give me coffee"

"Bro, you don't need it" that did it.. Once those words left the Americans mouth Canada lost his god damn mind. "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN YOU MCDADDY LOVING BASTARD I'LL FUCKING FUCK YOU UP YOU FUCKING UNCULTURED MOTHER FUCKER"

"Bruh" suddenly a man baring a large cape came prancing in.. Someone Canada grew to love as time passed. "TIM HORTONS"


"I'm so done" with that said and done Alfred hopped into his freaking car and looked at the duo affectionately holding hands.. What freaking sluts man. Such sin! That's practically sex. For shame! "Later losers I'm going to MCDONALD'S"

"Oh right I'm a yandere or something.. Eh.... I'm too lazy to kill the guy.. which Is why.. YOU SHOULD START YOUR DAY THE RIGHT WAY AND STOP BY TIM HORTON'S COFFEE SHOP TO UP AND ENERGIZE THOSE MURDEROUS NEEDS"

"This Is a fucking advertisement now?!"

Yandere Nations x Canada Where stories live. Discover now