2p England

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(For Depressedpinkie143)

I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time..

And every creature lends themselves to change your state of mind..

And the girl that chased the rabbit, drank the wine, and took the pill..

Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels..

To stand outside your virtue,

No one can ever hurt you,

Or so they say..

"W..where am I?" The light headed Canadian whimpered.. Unable to move his arms or legs. "Oh poppet your finally up? Goodie! We're going to just have so much fun!"

"W..who are you?! W..where am I?!" Matthew yelled a bit louder this time. "Quiet dear for if the others were to hear you.. It surely wouldn't be pleasant. You are in my realm~ isn't that great?! I've always gazed at you from afar so I'm just so super duper happy to have you before me!" Stepping out of the shadows.. The cute little Brit made himself known. "I'm Ollie, its a pleasure to finally be united with you"

"W..what are you going to do to me you creep?!" Taken aback by the Canadians rude tone.. Ollie slapped the poor Matthew quite angered by the disrespect. "I was going to turn you into a beautiful dolly who'd never leave my side and this is the thanks I get?!"

"A...a doll?"

"That's right my sweet~ a beautiful dolly that I can play with and keep forever and ever knowing you could never escape me.. Ever~" 

(The song in the beginning is "her name is Alice" by shinedown if you were curious)

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