Spain (part 2)

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(For candykiller911)

"Non, non, non!" Poor France raced to get the struggling Spanish man down. Every second count.. Gah! He was pulling on it! Not good! Not good! Not good! Time was running out.. Fumbling with the noose while trying to hold up the big Spanish man was quite a task but.. Luckily.. France did it, he saved his friend. "Why... Why would you attempt such an ugly thing?!" Francis practically screamed at him. Spain simply looked down shame... But eventually he opened up to his dear friend. France was shocked to say the least.. How could his Matthew do.. Do something so cruel? Why would Prussia go along with it?! So many questions raced through the Frenchman's head but all he could force himself to do was comfort the depressed Spaniard. "Your.. Your not a burden.. You loved him deary, you gave him more affection then anyone could ever give, you spent countless amounts of time with him, you spent loads on him.. Your anyone's dream man! Your sweet, lovable, strong, and light hearted.. Antonio your too good for him" fearing for his friends life, France offered to help Spain get better. He knew this stuff took time, patience, and care..

"Antonio are you sure you want to do this?" The concerned France questioned, watching Spain clean his old axe. "Yes, once Canada's gone.. I'll feel better! He won't cause anymore heart break and.. And.. I won't have to feel like I'm burdening him anymore.. I can't burden my love if he's not among us anymore!"

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