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"Ja... Ja..." The German whispered to his nervous lover. "Once their out of the way.. Nobody will get in our way anymore"

"But he's my" The Canadian whimpered, wanting to go home already. "Do you want to keep being unnoticed forever Or are you going to deal with this like a man?!" Ludwig snapped, loading his gun. "I..I wanna deal with this like a man!" With a deep breathe the duo barged into Alfred's home. "dude?! what are you doing?!" Shutting his eyes tight and cowering to his knees.. Poor Canada heard Alfred silenced by the Germans guns. "M..Mattie w..why" the American whimpered 'causing the Canadians eyes to open. He saw Alfred's eyes fade.. He helped murder his own flesh in blood. The guilt already began to consume him.. "A..Alfred I..I'm so.. So sorry"

"Matthew let's go!" The German ordered, grabbing the Canadians arm roughly. Matthew obeyed in silence.. Who else would have to die because he's to cowardly to stop his psychotic lover?! Looking back at Alfred's house all Canada could murmur was.. "I'm sorry"

Yandere Nations x Canada Where stories live. Discover now