The Last Day Of My Life

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'I love you Samantha Hummington'  Louis whispered in my ear. I turned my body so I was now facing him. He looked as amazing as ever. His hair was messed up from last nights sleep and his eyes sparkled in the sun. I couldn't believe this way happening to me. I was lying next to Louis William Tomlinson on a Sunday morning. It was a dream come true and I didn't know whether this was actually reality. 

'You gotta wake up!!' Louis', Liams' and Nialls' voice tore me out of my dreams. It had been so realistic, felt so realistic. I could've sworn it was true. I took a glance at my phone to see three new BBM messages and one of Facebook. I'll check those later, I thought to myself and crawled out of bed. Walking towards the glass front facing the garden, I stretched my arms and looked out into the beautiful morning. Blue sky, sun shining, couldn't be a more perfect day. Plus it was Friday. Friday the 12th of June. The day I had been waiting for, for over 365 days. As soon as I remembered my tiredness was gone. I ran back to my bed and jumped on it, reaching over to the bedside table to grab my phone. One message from Nate, two from Emily. Instead of reading, I immediately dialled her number. Three seconds later I heard the voice that always made me smile.

'We're seeing them tonight!! Oh my fudgecake Sam! I'm like, already shaking. And I have a wardrobe crisis. I don't know what to wear! It's only tonight but I have to plan my outfit. It has to be perfect, I have to shine out of the crowd. I need them to like me. I'm one in a-' I cut my best friend off from her pool of words. She'd die from forgetting to breathe.

'Breathe Em, breaaaathe! Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale' I laughed. 'I'm sure we'll find the right clothes when you come over after school. I seriously can't wait. It's gonna be the best day of my life. It'll change everything.' If only I knew what those words meant back then...

We stopped the call and I quickly texted Nate back. I love how he always cared and sent me his 'Good Morning Sunshine' text messages. He was the perfect boyfriend, apart from Louis of course but that was just me being a dreamer. 

I walked over to my bathroom and took a long hot shower. The shower was the only place I let my emotions show. I started shaking and smiling. Tears slipped out of my eyes as I thought about tonight. I had planned my outfit perfectly and I knew exactly what I'd do when they came on stage. They just HAD to notice me, they had to. 

Out of the shower, I stood in my dressing room and didn't know what to put on. I could've swore I spent about half an hour trying on clothes before deciding on my navy blue flower skirt from hollister, a black tanktop and my black ballerinas. I applied some mascara and eyeliner and sat in front of my mirror, curling the ends of my long dirty blonde hair. My blue eyes scanned the outfit and the face before grabbing my schoolbag and heading downstairs. Chip started barking when she saw me but I didn't register her. I was too excited. I'd finally meet them. I'd meet my idols. The boys that made me who I was today. The ones that prevented me from doing a big mistake in my life that I wouldn't be able to regret as I wouldn't be there anymore. 

Mom and Dad looked up from breakfast, eyes on what I was wearing. Today they approved and I smiled in appreciation. The annoying sisters were running around the kitchen, throwing pancakes and muffins. I grabbed my cup of coffee and kissed my dad's head. 

'Morning Dad. Morning Mom' I walked over to the other side of the table and kissed her cheek. 

'Morning Sammy.' They said in union and I rolled my eyes. How I hated that nickname. 

'Don't forget your lunch!' My mom yelled as I pulled on my beige trenchcoat from Burberry. I nodded but ignored her requesting eyes and finger pointing towards the kitchen counter. 

'See you guys after school.' I yelled as I pulled the front door shut behind me. 

I walked down the driveway, coffee in hand, raybans holding my side-swept bangs back from bugging my eyes. Nate was leaning against his red convertible, smiling at me. I knew my parents were watching so instead of giving him a full-on snog, I kissed him lightly on the lips and immdeiately tasted his peppermint chips on my lips. I smiled back and thankfully got in the car. He shut the door, waved a quick bye to my parents and we drove off to school. 

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