From that moment on, something changed

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Dedicating this to @pizzaluver cause her stories are flipping amazayn. okay, story... you should go check it out.. it's hilarious and just plain hopeful. makes me hope to meet them soon, idk why :D

It was like a dream come true. There they were, standing on that stage, looking out into the crowd. I was one in a million, yet at that moment, I felt... I don't know what I felt. My limbs went numb, my legs barely keeping me up. I opened my mouth to scream, yet nothing came out. I felt paralyzed. Julia took a quick glance at me and asked me if everything was alright, I shrugged it off, like I had so many other times and put on a fake smile.

'Let's get this party started!!' I yelled. And I really meant it. 

I quickly looked at my two closest friends and then back onto the stage. They had all my attention now. 

Niall, my leprechaun was to the far left, furthest away from me. Next came Harry, his eyes competing with the glittering of the lights. I could swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek. In the middle, Liam. Daddy Direction. The one I looked up to the most. Then came Louis... oh god... don't even get me started. And closest to me was Zayn. The badboy, my man. The one I related to the most. 

It was really them. They were in front of me. In live form. Not on my small laptop or plasma tv screen. I could go up to them and touch them, if only security allowed. I wanted to use my dad's connections to get to meet them but none of that worked. Tough luck. 

The lights went out. The screams faded and the first tunes of What Makes You Beautiful reached my ears.

You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turning heads 

When you walk through the do-o-or

Every single fan in the crowd sang along. Some of the closing their eyes, humming to the music. Other screaming their lungs out, wanting to be recognized. Others had tears in their eyes. And the ones like me, they just didn't know what was happening to them. It was SO surreal. 

As the first song got to it's end, the crowd erupted into screams and whistles. I could barely stand straight from all the noise, and the claustrophobia definitely didn't help, yet I managed to enjoy myself just as much as everyone else. 

I jumped up and down to the beat of each song. Taking glances at my friends and singing the lyrics along with them. I was happier than I had been in a very, very long time. 

As the first chords of Moments blasted through the speakers, my heart stopped for a second. It was so beautiful. I had tears in my eyes, waving the glow sticks over my head from one side to the other. Louis' solo was the end of me, I tore up. I had waited for this so long and it was finally here. I saw my boys in Concert and.. I just.. I was speechless. 

The first half of the concert went by pretty quickly and I was sad it was over. Julia, Emily and I screamed and fangirled over all our favorite parts, which, you can imagine, was literally every single second. We retold everything we saw and there were a bunch of 'Oh My God, did you see Harry and Louis?' or 'Niall's jump is higher than a fucking kangaroos' or 'Remember Niall slapping Louis ass?' I was still shaking from all the happiness and fangirling when the lights went back off and everyone turned back to the stage. 

They had changed and looked even hotter than before, which, in my opinion is quite impossible but hey, One Direction always has surprises.

Then... then came More Than This. The moment that changed everything.

Maybe Dreams Do Come True - A One Direction FanFicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon