The unforgettable night

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Well, as a little treat, there's a little Louis-Sam romance on it's way ;) So what you guys think should be their ship name? i can think of anything cool sounding. :/ sucks. LOL. so which romance guys? nate and sam? louis and sam? what about harry? tell me what you thiink :D

I LOVE YOU ALL CHINCHILLAS (my english teacher calls our english class that.. yeah, you're my chinchillas now) 



-Isa xx

P.s.: i dedicate this to... dum dum dum duuuuuuum, JASMINE BECAUSE SHE IS ALWAYS THERE TO FANGIRL WITH ME :D

It was a crazy evening. I had snuck the boys in through the back door as the security at the front would only ‘let the people in that were on the list’ and ‘didn’t care that I was the owners daughter’. God, they could really be asses.

I took a glance around the place. It was amazing. The restaurant was different than the others my dad had opened. Usually they were small, cozy, somewhere you would go to have a romantic candle light dinner with the love of your life. This looked more like a stable, table after table, fitting however many people. It was huge and resembled a ball room, if it weren’t for the tables.

I had met so many people already I was exhausted. My feet were hurting even more now. I was wearing my black heels from Buffalo that killed me after a while of walking around. Plus, my plain black cocktail dress wasn’t very comfortable either. It was way too short and every time I took a step it would slide up and reveal part of my butt. I had to secretly pull it back down every second, which irritated the heck out of me.

I scanned the crowd one last time before heading back to the small room in the back which I was sharing with the boys and my friends. I knew better than anyone to get out of my parent’s way on such a night, with all these important people here. They were way too stressed.

A strand of blonde hair fell before my eyes. I tucked it behind my ear, smiling at whoever the woman was that was now heading my way.

‘Excuse me, I need to freshen up a little bit.’ Of course, as always I was the bathroom-director

‘Across the room, first door on the right, Madam.’ I replied in my sweetest voice.

‘Thank you.’ She slid by me and crossed the room in big, fast steps. I held back a laugh. Someone was desperate.

At the back of the room I was Niall and Emily engaged in a conversation, laughing every once in a while. Emily seemed so happy, showing the laugh I hadn’t seen her with in a while. Ever since her parents had passed away, she had changed. It was very understandable and I knew I’d be the same but Niall evoked the old Emily. The happy, bubbly, cheerful Emily that was always up for a laugh. It made me smile, at least when I’d be gone, she’d have someone to take care of her.

Julia was talking to Liam and Zayn, taking glances at Harry every once in a while. I knew how much she liked him and I wish he’d just notice her for once. For the whole night he’d been all over me. I gave him multiple signs that I wasn’t interested, but the fact that I acted cold towards Louis gave him even more encouragement.

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