Late Night Kisses

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I know I know. it's short. i haven't uploaded in over 2 months and you all probably already forgot about me but i have a reasonable explanation! i've been under so much school stress i seriously haven't found any time to write. i'm so sorry. i wrote this in my free period today because i felt so bad and i know it's not good but i'll try to write some more this weekend. i only needa do a lab report so i hope i have time. i haven't forgotten about you guys. i love you so much and thanks if you're all still supporting me :) comment and vote please :D

Sam’s POV


Best date ever. I thought to myself as the cart came to a halt at the top of the London Eye. I felt like I was at the top of London, overlooking almost everything and everyone. I released the breath, I didn’t know I was holding in and admired the view. This was actually the closest a date could get to being perfect.

I turned my gaze back towards the table and looked into the blue eyes I had longed for since I had last seen them. Louis’ hand was resting at the center of the table. Slowly I placed mine on top of his and smiled, “This is beautiful. I, I don’t know what to say.”

An evil smile creeped onto Louis’ lips and I knew I shouldn’t have said what had just escaped my mouth. Knowing Louis, he’d just take advantage of it once again.

“Making Humminton speechless huh?” He winked at me. “Check.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “What’s next on your list Tommo? If it’s get a kiss from Sam, sorry to burst your bubble but, that won’t be happening.” I teased.

“You just wait and see. I can wrap you around my finger in no time.” I let out a laugh and removed my hand from his.

“Not with me Boo Bear.” I teased him, saying his nickname the way Harry always screamed it around the house in a high-pitched voice.

“Okay, enough with the BS Sam. I’m trying to have a nice dinner with you here and you just make fun of me.” He pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“First of all, you started it and second, those puppy eyes are NOT changing my mind.” I gave him one of my best smiles and looked out the window. I wonder what all those people are doing right now. Behind every window, everywhere there’s a light on, a life is going on. Everyone has their story, everyone has their wishes. Thousands are happy, thousands are sad. Every story has their own meaning behind it. I’m just glad to be here, with the one boy I had always dreamed of being with. It just so happens that he chose me too, and tonight, is when my story began to take a roll.

I looked back at Louis and smiled. His eyes were sparkling and I swear I had never seen this happy. “You mean a lot to me Sam.” He said while holding my hand tight. “More than anyone could ever imagine and I’ll never hurt you. I’ll try my best to protect you from everything evil out there. I want you to be happy, have the smile on your face that I love. Have your eyes turn gold when you laugh. That’s all I want, all I want is for you to be happy.”

I looked down at the napkin on my lap, every word that came out of his mouth touched me more and more. Every word made my heart beat just a tiny bit more. He didn’t know the effect he had on me, he didn’t know my true feelings, but let me tell you, even if I might not tell anyone else and if I don’t necessarily want to admit it, my heart is telling me that Samantha Hummington is madly in love with Louis Tomlinson.

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