The Escape

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Hello my chinchillas!!!

I finally came around to writing a new chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded but blah, i dont know, i just dont feel inspired these days. My chapters make me feel like poo cause i feel like they suck. apart from the last part, i truly hate this chapter :S oh well, i'll try to make the next one better, i promise :D

so i really need your opinion and help. like, i don't know how to continue. please help me with ideas and what you think should happen next. how i could make this better. the best idea will get a dedication in my next chapter ;) 

Have fun reading this piece of poo :D

isa xx

As I pulled away, the fireworks were still lingering in my stomach. I had never felt this way during a kiss, ever. Not even with Nate when I was still madly in love with me. Hell… Louis Tomlinson was giving me hell.

I looked at him, a smile making its way across his face. I had given him hope. The hope that I had had enough time and that I was ready for him. It was wrong of me to do, but it had felt so right. God, he really was giving me hell.

‘Tomlinson, you’re gonna be the end of me.’ I sighed under my breath.

‘More like the beginning.’ He grinned and cupped my face, looking deep into my eyes. He shifted his glance down to my lips, and back to my eyes, and I knew what was coming next.

I pulled out of his grasp and stood up. ‘I’m sorry Louis. I- I don’t know what got into me. I- I shouldn’t…’ my voice trailed off as he took my hands in his.

‘You felt it too didn’t you?’ He looked so small, sitting down on the bench while I was standing up. His face, plastered with satisfaction.

‘Felt what?’ I asked, trying to make it seem like I had no idea what he was talking about.

‘The connection. The fireworks people say they feel when they kiss someone. The butterflies in the stomach. The want to never tear away from that moment. You felt it too…’ He grinned at me, showing off his beautiful row of teeth.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I continued on, dumbfounded.

‘Sam, you can’t fool me.’

‘I felt nothing okay? I shouldn’t have done it. It was stupid and irresponsible and just plain out stupid and dumb and-‘ he cut me off.

‘If it didn’t mean anything why are you so worked up about it?’ His grin grew even bigger.

I pulled my hair back with my hands, looking at the ground. He had caught me, damn, he got to the bottom of all of my emotions. I couldn’t let him do that.

‘I-‘ just as I was about to go into another stupid explanation, I heard the screams of hundreds of girls, yelling the name of the boy I wanted.

Maybe Dreams Do Come True - A One Direction FanFicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon