Does he really want me?

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Hey guys, sorry for not uploading earlier. Haven't been on the computer at all in a while. Just been sleeping and resting. My face hurts like HELL. it's crazy, and my cheeks are all swollen :'( I look like a hobo. LOL

Anyway, here's the new chapter. I hope you like it :) Please leave comments and such. It means a lot to me to read them and makes me want to continue writing :)

Oh, also, if you know anyone who likes making covers, I'd gladly accept one :) I really need a new one, my current one is crap. So yeah

Enjoy reading and spread the word, the more reads i get, the faster I upload ;) 


Over a week had passed since the concert. I carried the napkin, which Louis had handed to me right before I walked out of Milkshake City, around with me wherever I went. It was starting to fall apart but I was scared that if I let it out of my sight, I’d loose it. And it was definitely something I didn’t want to loose. Julia and Emily were pushing me to give him a call ever since we arrived home after the crazy night. I was still fighting with myself. Should I really? Maybe he had already forgotten me. Maybe it was just a joke. But there isn’t a way of knowing without giving him a call.

So here I sat, Saturday morning, on the edge of my bed, Blackberry in hand. I reached over to my bedside table and felt the familiar texture of the napkin on my fingers. I knew the number by heart by now, yet I still looked down at it while dialing. My hand was shaking as I pressed down on the green caller button. What would I say?

By the first ring, I lost all the courage I had built up and rapidly ended the call. Instead, I dialed Julia’s number. After the second ring, she picked up.

‘I can’t do it Jules.’ I bombarded her without any sort of greeting.

‘Well, first of all, good morning to you too Sam. Second, you just have to. It’s like mandatory that you do it.’ Here I go, I thought to myself. Calling Julia was definitely a mistake. ‘Look, Louis freaking Tomlinson gave you his number, and is probably lying in bed right now staring at his phone, waiting for you to call him. No celebrity randomly hands out his own number to a stranger, much less a mad fan-girl unless he likes her. I mean, really, you could just hand out the number to anyone and BAM, he’d be killed with calls and texts.’ I started zoning out as Julia continued with her long speech that I had heard, oh-so-many times in the past few days. ‘-lucky as you. Please, Sam, just do it.’ She finished off her rant.

‘It’s not as easy as it sounds! I can’t just call him and go like hey you gave me your number and I’m a mad fan-girl so what’s up. I can’t do that. I needa think of something.’ I tried explaining but she didn’t understand.

‘Look, how about we meet up today? I could come over, I’m spending the break in London anyway and it’d be great to get to know each other more. Additionally, we could give Louis a call and I’ll help you if you’re in need, which I’m sure you won’t be. We can ask Em to join and you won’t be alone at all.’ I swear, Julia talked way too much once you got to know her. ‘Sounds good? Yeah? Okay, I’ll be over soonish.’ With that, she picked up, not giving me time to change my mind.

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