2.2 » Just in Case

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The next day Finn and Millie were walking around a more secluded area, somewhere where Jack told them they wouldn't have any chance of being caught.


Millie said, looking up at him, he hummed in response

"I know that you don't like to talk about this but, what if, we do lose each other one day? How will we find each other again, if we even do.."

"Millie, I promise that we will never lose each other, I wouldn't let it happen."

Finn said with a sigh

"Okay, but there's always a chance of it, of us getting separated. I just want something, someway, for us to know that it's really the other."

Stopping, Finn looked up at a small and dark building

"Well then, here's our solution"

She swallowed nervously


"We'll get matching tattoos, that way if we ever set-apart from each other, we can check"

Agreeing, they walked into the shop hand in hand. A large man with a sleeveless leather jacket came out from the back and crossed his arms over his chest

"Let me guess, you're obviously a couple so, matching tattoos?"

Nodding awkwardly, the man pulled out a black binder with a multitude of laminated pages full of various different tattoo ideas and handed it over to the pair. Looking through they both found a couple of different tattoos that they liked, but not one that they could agree on. But eventually Millie pointed to a small deep red rose, which had a dark green stem and sharp thorns, she looked over to him with hope shimmering in her eyes.

"Okay, we'll get that one."

Squealing, Millie gave him a hug as he showed the artist what they wanted. Being as excited as she was, Millie decided to go first. Laying down in the chair she pointed to the left side of her neck, indicating where she wanted the rose to go. The tattooist placed the purple outline, the temporary part, on her neck. Grimacing at the coldness of the cloth Millie held her hand out for Finn to hold on to, he took her hand in his as she gently squeezed it.


The artist asked, and Millie nodded looking away and into Finns eyes, he had a sympathetic look on his face. Trying her very best not to move she could feel each small puncture the needle made and the wetness of the ink going into her skin, Finn ran his thumb over her small hand in an effort to sooth her. She let out a deep breath as the artist took a small break, switching the colors and the needles

"Halfway there"

She was told


"It's a small one so, yeah"

Letting out a sigh of relief she smiled softly at Finn as the needle was placed back onto her skin, causing her to make a face, and Finn could help but laugh. She playfully rolled her eyes at him and said:

"Just wait till you have to go"

"Oh come on, I'm gonna handle that shit like a man"

He stated proudly

"Sure you are"

She said with a laugh, then being told that she was all done she sat up and was handed a mirror, looking at her tattoo she gasped, it was so small delicate and beautiful. After that the artist placed a protective piece of plastic over the work of art, telling her she could take it off in a few days and then to wash the tattoo everyday after that for a week. Nodding Millie thanked him and stood up, letting Finn sit down she sat next to him.

He pointed to his inner left wrist, to which the artist cleaned off and placed the trace tattoo on.

"You ready kid?"

He was asked, and he nodded, only to let out a loud 'Gah!' once the needle hit his skin. He clenched onto Millie's hand, and to her it felt like he was crushing it as he kept his eyes tightly shut.

"So, is this is what handing things like 'man' looks like?"

She asked with a snicker

"Shut up"

He grumbled, only making her laugh more. However before he knew it, the artist was all done. Finn looked down at his wrist in shock as a piece of plastic was also placed over his wrist. Rubbing his shoulder Millie gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before they both stood up and walked over to the front counter, Finn started to get out his wallet

"No no, it was a small piece of work, it's on the house"

Being told that, they were a bit taken back, Finn tried to offer the man at least a little money but he insisted that it was free. Thanking him profusely they left the store talking about how nice that man was.

"Now, we'll know that it's the other if we ever get separated, okay"

He said to Millie, wrapping his arm around her

"Let's just hope that these never come in handy"

She said with a laugh, he agreed, trying to push his worried thoughts away. What if Millie knew that they were going to lose each other, somehow, what if they really did? He then started to mentally panic, he didn't think he could ever live without her. He would give up his bad behavior and life a crime just to be with her forever and ever.

Millie began to think back to her nightmare last night, what would make her even dream of that? She presumed that it was just her anxiety getting to her, it of course she came to the thought of 'what if it wasn't?' Finn meant the world to Millie, she's never felt for anyone else like she does for him. She wanted to live her life of crime out with him forever and ever.


This isn't exactly proofread so, bite me.

Believe it or not, this book is coming to an end, and fast! I guarantee that you will all literally be out for my blood once I end the book, but juts remember, there will be a sequel!

This update was written the day before I leave for camp, June 20th, but won't be published by my friend who's taking over for me while I'm gone, until the day after I come back, July 18th.

I'm really gonna miss you all so much!

Much Love

— Skyler

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