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"Harry?" Louis asked quietly, Harry just stared down at the phone. Silence hung in the air and Louis soon became worried. He tried again, still nothing in response. 

By now, Harry couldn't take his eyes off of the message. He slowly looked up at Louis, his eyes soft. Louis' eyes widened, seeing what the message said. 

"You know I love you, Harry." Louis said softly, gripping Harry's chin between his thumb and forefinger turning him to look at him. 

"I know," Harry sniffled, "a-and I...love y-you tooo."

Louis furrowed his brows, feeling tears prickle his eyes. "Please, don't leave me Harry. You know everything now so please...." Louis trailed off. Harry only nodded with another small sniffle. 

"Harry....." He whispered, trying to grab his wrist as Harry stood up but wasn't fast enough. Harry walked over to the hallway, turning to see Louis sitting there a mess on the couch. 4

"Good...Goodnight L-Louee," He said quietly, walking over to the door and shutting it behind him. 

Louis buried his face in his hands. He hadn't whether he fucked up or not. He let out a sigh, picking up the phone and reading the message.  

Louis shook his head, throwing his phone across the room as it landed into the cat's bed. He walked over to the bedroom, opening the door to see Harry sitting on the wooden floor. 

"Harry, please...." He whispered, taking a seat in front of him. 

"I would never leave you. Ever. I love you so much. Hear me out, Harry. I-I need you. I love you so much. I just can't have you leave me" Louis sighed. Harry pulled Louis into his lap, placing a kiss on his lips. 

"You....won't l-leave me?" 

"No, never in a million years." Louis smiled. "So...you aren't mad?" Harry shook his head in response. 

Not mad, he thought, just...done


Days had gone by and Harry only became closer to Louis. He adored waking up to the same dork cuddled up next to him every morning. He loved him with all of his heart and savored every sweet moment that he spent with Harry. 

To be honest, Harry couldn't help but think Louis was hiding something. He tried to blame paranoia or the worried feeling in his gut. He just wanted Louis to tell the truth. He loved him, all he wanted was for Louis to be committed. 

Louis dropped Harry off, driving off to Brianna's flat. He let out a sigh as he knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer. The door creaked open, Brianna giving him a small smile. 

"Louis thank god," She signed, rubbing her palms on her jeans. 

"What is it?" 

"You have to leave Harry and come back," 

"What?" Louis choked. 

"Because this isn't you Louis!" She shouted, Louis staying silent. "You don't even love him! You're just using him and you know it! Have you told him yet Louis?! Did you tell him that you couldn't stay loyal or faithful?! Huh? You know this is where you belong Louis...." She quieted down, her eyes resting on the floor. 

"Just let him go. You know he's gonna find out sooner and it'll be done. You're going to hurt him one way or another. Just like you did to the rest of us." Louis marched out, slamming the door behind him as he rushed to his car. She was wrong. 

He loved Harry. He belonged with Harry. This was him. He sighed, resting his head on his steering wheel. Harry had trusted him, and that's what he needed the most. He drove to Anne's house, knowing Harry would be there. 

He walked in, seeing Harry sitting on the couch. Glasses hung on the bridge as he read the book that was sitting in his lap. 

"Harry?" He said his name softly, causing the boy to look up.

Louis choked on his words "I....I have to go back," 

Harry shook his head, rising to his feet. "No." 

"I'm so sorry. I've gotten addicted to the pain Harry. I don't know what to do anymore. I even thought about leaving you. I was wrapped in the arms of someone i regret and lost myself. I'm not right for you Harry..." 

But that was the one time, probably the last, Harry didn't stay silent. 


Hey guys! I'm sorry if this chapter kind of sucked but the next one will be better. I had to find some inspiration to write this so i really hoped you like it! :) Please don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you and ilysm!!! 

Until we meet again....

Anchors To Love ⚓️ Larry Stylinson | wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now