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Louis woke up, staring at the nude girl next to him. He peeled the sheets from his body and stood up, putting on his discarded clothes and walked onto his small balcony.
He took a cigarette from his back pocket and lit it between his lips, letting the smoke fill his blackened lungs.
It had been so long, so long.
He hadn't really talked to anyone in days, he had never felt like such a mess. He spent his time in his trashed apartment, spending his time with one person after another.
A loud knock sounded on the door, making Louis turn with a tired expression. He left the cigarette in a small ash tray and answered it, seeing Niall standing there with a bag of takeout in his hand.

"What is it Niall?" Louis muttered, stepping aside from the door as Niall walked in.

"Well, you've been MIA for the past few months. Not even Zayn knew where you were."

"Good." Louis rolled his eyes, sitting down on the torn couch that covered the middle of his living area.

"Did you make Genovese or something? It smells like absolute shit in here," Niall remarked, covering his nose with his shirt.


"Jesus Christ, Louis. You need to shower and clean up this dump." Niall said as he followed Louis to his room. "Who the fuck is that?"

"I don't know," Louis shrugged, "I met her last night."

"Escort her out then, we need to fix you up Louis."

"I don't need fixing," he muttered, removing his shirt and throwing on the ground as he trudged into the bathroom.

Niall picked up after him with a scoff, throwing the pieces of fabric into the hamper. "Yes, you do."

The random girl left, figuring out that Louis didn't like her that much. Niall made him clean up everything while he ate in the kitchen.

"If you're gonna eat my food at least help," Louis groaned one he finished, plopping down on the nearest chair.

"I am helping! You had a lot of spoiled food in your fridge mate,"

"How's Harry?" Louis spit out, staring at the ground. Niall looked at him then averted his gaze downwards, taken aback by the question.

"He's doing fine.... He's been trying his hardest over the days. I'd had never seen this side of him before. He barely talks or eats. When I first saw him he was so...unhealthy. He passed out not to long ago...." Niall sighed, shuddering from the awful memory.

"It's all my fault," Louis' sniffled and shook his head.

"He still loves you, Louis. He's tried reaching you ever since you walked out. He lost hope every day when you didn't come back. He thought it would be the same as last time, but when he found out it wasn't he didn't know what to do."

"So what does he do then?"

"That's the thing. He does nothing. He just sits on his floor watching his front door. He'd only get up if he has to use the bathroom. He won't eat or drink that much like I said earlier. And..." Niall trailed off, shivers going down his spine.

"What?" Louis asked but Niall shook his head.

"Nothing," Niall said, looking up at Louis before sitting down. He handed Louis a to-go box with small pen markings on the top.

Niall stared down, tying to get it out of his head. Lines of red. They weren't...nothing. And each line made it worse, it was gonna be something.


And that's it! Please leave feedback and ilysm! Also, what do you think is going on with Harry? 👀👀

Until we meet again...

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