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Niall followed their actions with the large camera, laughing while Harry winced in pain from the whirring machine oh his wrist. Louis laughed along with Niall seeing hat his was finished. Once Harry's was done Niall closed in on the finished product, smiling at the two of them.

"I'm jealous. I'm gonna be single all my life," Niall laughs, closing the camera and placing it in his bag.

"Lies, there are tons of people out there for you."

"Whatever you say, Lou. Now c'mon and drive me home because I don't wanna miss Friends." Niall grinned, rushing them out of the tattoo shop while Harry and Louis trailed behind.

Once they got home, Harry sat on the couch with a mug of hot tea, staring down at the tattoo oh his arm.

"Wh-What...does it mean?" Harry asked, tracing he heart shape over the clear bandage.

"Well, it does mean Love, but it also hold a promise. How wee are inseparable with our love. That we both have a heart made for each other so they're alike."

"S-So you'll love me...forever?" Harry asked, looking up Louis innocently through his eyelashes.

"Forever," Louis smiles, pulling Harry close to him.

"Don't let me go,"

"Wasn't planning too."

"Harry!" Louis whisper-shouted in the aisle of the library. He had lost his boyfriend.
Louis checked everywhere, his heart pounding when he realized Harry was out of sight. He walked around, checking one more time before sitting down on one of the lounging chairs and let out an exasperated sigh.


Louis looked up to see Harry peeking his head out of the janitors closet, signaling him to come here. Louis walked up to him, a confused look on his face as Louis climbed into the small space of the closet and closed the door.

"Harry what are you-"

He was cut off by a pair of pink, warm and soft lips molding against his. The kiss was passionate, deepening with affection. They two boys pulled apart, panting heavily.

"Harry are you..." Louis exhaled, eyeing Harry who pressed a finger to his lips.

Harry grabbed the older boy's cheeks, firmly pressing their lips together. His fingers began to tangle into his hair, Louis clutching onto Harry's hips. Louis pressed Harry up onto the wall, knocking a few cleaning products onto the floor.

Discarded clothes slowly began to pile the wooden floor one by one, low moans filling the space of the hallow closet.

"Mm....Loue-" Harry moaned loudly, Louis covering his mouth with his free hand while the other rested on the painted wall.

"Not to loud, baby," Louis said, removing his and wrapping his arm around Harry's back to support him as he thrusted once more. Harry grabbed onto his hard member, collecting drops of precum from the tip onto his fingers.

"L-Louis I'm...." Harry moaned out, his hands grabbing onto Louis' back as Louis left a trail of hickeys on Harry's neck.

Louis teased his member a bit before pumping his hand up and down the shaft, causing Harry to moan uncontrollably.

"Come for me, babe." Louis whispers, on command Harry rides out his orgasm, losing feeling in his legs.

Louis does one more thrust before pulling out, ejaculating onto Harry's stomach. They were both panting, cleaning each other of with Louis' Adidas sweatshirt as they got dressed in the small, steamed closet. They cleaned everything up as Louis sprayed some air freshener, hoping that it could rid of the strong scent they left behind.

"We are so unprofessional," Louis muttered as they sneaked out of the closet, rushing to the boys room as they fixed up their hair.

"I-I don't....regret it." Harry smiled while Louis laughed. "W-What are we g-gonna tell...the-the librarian?"

"We went for lunch,"

"Come on you guys, it's going to be fun." Niall laughed, eyeing Harry and Louis in their apartment.

"I guess, I don't know about Harold." Louis shrugged, and looked over at the curly headed boy.

"Please Harry? Just this once." Niall said, holding up one finger.

"Th-That's wh-what you said...last-last time." Harry narrowed his eyes and his lips were pressed into a think line. Niall swallowed and tried again.

"Please, it's just gonna be Me, you, Louis, and Liam.....possibly Zayn."

"What the fuck Niall?" Louis says, burying his face into his hands.

"Listen, it was Liam's idea, not mine. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's better and harmless."

"Fine," Harry and Louis said, quickly getting dressed as the left the flat with Niall. Louis got into his car with Harry just in case as they followed Niall down to wherever this party was.

They pulled up to a large mansion, following Niall up to the large doors and walked in.

"I'm still not sure about this Niall," Louis shouted over the music, holding Harry's hand as they pushed their way through intoxicated and sweaty bodies.

"It's fine!" Niall shouted back before they lost him in the crowd. Yeah...fine.


It was a damn disaster.

Liam and Zayn had disappeared somewhere, Niall was high, and Harry was drunk as hell.

"Come on Harry, we should go home...."




Louis dragged Harry out, walking with him out the front door. Louis threw him over his shoulder, walking him to the car. Harry waved at a random stoner kid who was sorting out zip-block bags filled with God knows what.

"W-WASSUP BITCH!!!" Harry shouted, Louis looking over at him and telling him to hush.

"OH-LO-LEYYY!" Harry laughed while Louis shook his head, finally finding his car and laying Harry down in the backseat.

"Hey Louis?"

"Yes babe?"

"Wh-What d-do you want for.... for your birthday?"

"That's kinda far, Harry." Harry groaned, causing Louis to finally answer. "Well, there's that watch I really liked, the really expensive sneakers, and that flag I always wanted. But most importantly..." Louis kissed Harry's forehead with a small smile.

"I want you with me,"

"I-I love you, Louuuuu,"

"Harry-" Louis started, seeing that the boy was fast asleep.

"I love you, too."


So yes this chapter was just like a small series of flashbacks but you'll see why in the next chapter. Please vote and comment to leave feedback and ilysm!

Until we meet again....

Anchors To Love ⚓️ Larry Stylinson | wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now