Chapter 3|Click, Boom..Your Out

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Kira POV

My hands were sweaty, my spine felt like somebody had run it over. #17 tried her best to hide the scars before my last auction, #8 did her best to find the most revealing and attractive outfit in her limited wardrobe.

#6 well she couldn't do my hair anymore, the cold chill in the room as we all accepted the fact she lied to the boss. Virginity was well wanted amongst buyers as I was told, since she lied about it and was bought for that SOLE purpose she was punished for it. We all listened to her scream, her begging for him to stop as that loud deafening sound of the belt made contact with her skin. It was like a horror film, except in real life and nobody lifted a finger to help because they knew what would be waiting for them if they tried.

Then it was like click, boom your out. There was absolute silence, #2 and #4 ran out to "clean" I could sense in the air it was normal for girls to clean up the remains of a girl they might have called a friend. See the numbers varied so far there was only

#2, #4, #8, #17, #18 and #1 who were left to be sold. I guessed that 18 girls were kidnapped and dressed to perfection and sold at this auction. Some of the girls seemed to already be used to this type of life so there had to me many things like this out there in the world that so many people didn't know about. Girl like me and like #6 who were killed and forgotten because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But even though I was able to hide the tears floating behind my long lashes, or the fact my skin was paler than the foundation I was wearing. I knew I was afraid, even though the clothes I wear probably looked better on a stripper or a naughty housewife.

  I knew I was afraid, even though the clothes I wear probably looked better on a stripper or a naughty housewife

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I wore it, shivering like a bunny about to be devoured by a wolf. I followed behind #17 as we walked the same line, I had walked for the 6th time knowing this was my last chance and I was absolutely terrified. I felt the millions of states, and the chuckles of laughter, the girls listed off one by one and then next me.

Once again the same silence.

"Click" I heard Mr.Drakes gun go, it wasn't uncommon for a girl to be killed during a show.

Then I turned and saw him, for me it was like the wind had been knocked out of me for I never had seen anything in my life. There was a man sitting in the back looking bored, he was watching the man beside him with hatred as I realized he didn't want to be here. Then he looked up, right into my plain blind eyes. I felt myself mutter help me, it wasnt noticable enough for anybody in the crowd but I knew he saw it..

Surprise etched his features. I don't think he realized I could see him, I don't know what made him so surprised to see me up here but I heard him scream.

"5 million for the blind girl" his voice was rich and creamy like chocolate. I actually almost did a doubt take when he yelled out that much money but then I realized, this was my last time on market which made me expensive.

"5 million going once?, twice? Sold to customer 22" said the announcer and I swear I heard the gun being put away.

The auction finished and I was currently waiting for the man who bought me. I looked up and he was standing there, I could smell cologne but it was sweet and spicy which tingled my nose.

"I thought you were blind" he said, his voice was husky and deep but smooth like cutting into melted butter.

"I am, but I can still sense your precense" I replied honestly hoping he wouldn't be rude, I avoided eye contact but still watched so I could memorize every detail of his face for this was the only thing I had seen in 17 year that had color.

His eyes, I didn't know the color, just like the messy hairstyle he wore on his head but I knew that if I could love one thing in the world it would be the color his eyes were.

"Let go" he said, I grabbed onto his suit as he went to walk and I felt him stiffen

"I'm sorry this place has too many turns, I'll get lost and cause an inconvenience" I replied honestly and I felt him relax and continue walking, so many sharp turns later we were standing outside and I was freezing. I knew what I was wearing but I said nothing, asked for nothing just stood there with my teeth chattering like those annoying hand clapping toys you get when your a child.

"Here" the man in front of me said, I really wished to know the name of the man I could see.

"Thank you" I said as I felt his coat wrap around my skin, hiding myself like I begged for. I was pulled into a car and we drove for a long time I felt my eyes grow wiry but I stayed up

"What is your name?" asked the voice, I looked at the window but in reality I was looking at him.

"#17" I replied, he chuckled

"Your real name darling" he asked

"Oh? That matters?" I asked

"Yes it does" replied

"Kira, Kira Aldrich" I said and I felt myself smile lightly as the feeling of my own name leaving my lips.

"Well Kira, My name Is Matt Mintson" he said, there was deep tone in his voice which only a person of power had. It was like when your spoken to by a teacher or you have to attend a meeting and your boss has to speak too. It's that voice your parents use when they want to get their point across.

"What do I call you?" I asked, I didn't want to make a mistake

"You can call me Matt" he said, it was a snipped to which meant the conversation was over and I couldn't ask anymore questions.

"What color are your eyes?" I asked, even though he thought I couldn't see I wanted to know so badly what I was staring into.

"They are blue, why must you ask?" He said curiosity lacing his manly voice.

"It's a thing for me, even though I'm surrounded by absolute darkness I love knowing there are colors I'll never get the privilege to see" I replied it wasn't a complete lie, I really did like knowing the color of things around me even if couldn't see them.

"My eyes are nothing special" he said with a chuckled tone

If only he knew, I could only see him...and I didn't know how.

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