Chapter 21|White Eyed Brother

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Word Count- 1290

Kira POV

We slept in the cold cell for way too long, it was always dark cold and smelled strongly of mold. Naomi had been doing okay, she knew I wasn't doing good.  I was starving myself, they stopped giving us 2 meals a day and it was down to one each.

So I would give Naomi my share and tell her I was not hungry, she never believed me but ate anyway.  She knew I saw her as a young kid, she knew that I worried about her over mys3lf and she deserved to be able to stay strong regardless of our situation.

"Why are you here anyway?" asked Naomi, she never really wanted to know that till now.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I thought she knew everything about me.

"Well I know what your dad told me, but his information only goes until before you were kidnapped." She said, it was weird she had contact with my father but I guess she deserved ti know.

"I was bought by your brother." I said, she gave me wide eyes.

"Wait your his choice, the one he has to marry to save our family fortune?" Naomi said, I slowly nodded.

"But your brother didn't want me, he started dating Cecilia but slept with me I miscarried a baby then Cecilia found out and she dumped him, we found out you were coming then Rebecca and I were driving home when a car hit our side." I said, she gave me sad eyes.

"I'm going to kill my brother." She said, with a sour tone.

"It's okay." I said, she shook our head.

"I know where we are now." Naomi said, and I gave her a questioning glance.

"Cecilia has a rouge brother, he was one of the gifted but he was the bad kind I finally understand the tattoo kyle had and everything." Naomi said, her eyes wide and full of fear.

"He can't be that bad." I said,

"He can look into your soul, and see all your fears and all the things you love." She said, I felt my throat go dry.

"My dear Naomi, it took you ever so long to figure it out." a dark voice came out of the shadows, he was extremely young not much older than Naomi but the way he looked at her sent shivers down my spin. 

But that wasn't all the WAY he looked creeped me out even more, both eyes were white you could tell one was a contact lense and the other one was real.  He looked like a halloween contest drop yet he was so fucking creepy. 

"Go Fuck yourself Markis!" Naomi screamed, she suddenly wasn't all calm and collected

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"Go Fuck yourself Markis!" Naomi screamed, she suddenly wasn't all calm and collected.  She was absolutely furious looking at the boy who stood before us.

"Awe don't talk to your boyfriend like that sweetheart." Markis said, Naomi seemed to glare at him with such cold eyes, I swear he was going to freeze solid

"I will never be your fucking girlfriend!" Naomi screamed, he looked angry when she said that, he didn't like the way she acted and I could tell that.

"YOU ACCEPTED ME!" He screamed, she sighed still glaring at him.

"Then I dumped you, you are not who you used to be." Naomi said, she sat down facing the wall and ignored him. 

"Nami..." His voice was almost broken, but he quickly covered it with anger as he stomped out of the room like he was about to murder somebody.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked, confused as fuck, I sat in front of Naomi who looked like she was about to cry.

"You wouldn't understand." She said, and for a split second Naomi looked like a broken teenager, yeah she was 13 but clearly she was more mature than most girls my age.

"Enlighten me then?" I said, she sighed.

"He was my first friend, nobody really went near him because they were afraid he'd look into their soul but I thought differently, I was scared at first his appearance wasn't exactly approachable but I didn't care so I talked to him and we clicked." She said, she had a shine her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked,

"I got a girly crush, I didn't have anybody to talk to about the feelings I was getting for a boy I barely knew my mom, Rebecca never wanted to talk to me." Naomi said, he face looked extremely sad.

"What did you do?" I said, wondering where this was going.

"He asked me out, I didn't really know much since he is 2 years older than me I kinda just followed what he did." Noami Said,

"Then something went wrong I'm guessing." I said, she nodded.

"He flipped one night, saying that I was a liar that I didn't love him that I was a fake." She said, you could see tears welling in her eyes. "I didn't understand, I liked him what else was I supposed to feel?" Naomi said, she started crying.

"Oh sweetheart." I said, hugging her. Markis was defenitly more advanced then her when it came to emotions, she knew knew love because she was so used to fear and Markis took advantage of her because of it.  She liked him, anybody could see that but she wasn't ready for love, and that was what Markis craved.

"What did I do wrong, I broke up with him because he was always angry at me I was afraid." she whispered, I was holding a broken girl who felt her first heartbreak and she didn't even understand why.

"Markis craved love, he thought you loved him and when he realized your feelings werent there yet he couldn't handle the truth so he took it out on you." I said, she looked at me there was so much un-answered questions swirling in her eyes, that were never answered by the people she needed them from.

"Why couldn't you have been my mother." Naomi whispered, her voice drowned into nothing as I noticed how hot she actually was. 

Noami had a fever, she had a cold and I didn't even notice.

"Help! Somebody!" I screamed, as Naomi's breathing was decreasing she looked so pale and lifeless.

Markis ran in with a scowl, he looked pissed and was holding a knife.

"Shut up bitch, I'm the boss around here." He was so close to the cell, I grabbed him by the collar of his dress shirt and pulled him as close as I could.

"You fucking listen here you twerp! You say you love her but your to brain dead to understand she doesn't even know what love is! She's in here with a fever and could be fucking dying and your too worried about what you cant wait for!" I screamed, his eyes widened he glared at me then relaxed...he looked confused.

"Why...can't I see?" he whispered but it was low, then he looked over my shoulder and saw Naomi. "Shit!  Kyle get Doc here NOW!" he screamed, opening the cell and running to Naomi....

I noticed the blood on his knife. I looked down to my stomach and saw blood dripping, I was okay with dying as long as he saved Naomi.  I felt my knees buckle, Markis looked at me and his eyes widened, there was something silent in them.

"Fucking shit, my sister told me to keep her alive until she got her." Markis muttered yelling at a couple guys to keep my wound shut but I already felt myself falling into the darkness.

Then it went black, I was sure I was dead.

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