Chapter 5|Siblings??

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Word Count: 966

Kira POV

I laid in the bed, I managed to take a shower and change into a shirt Matt offered me. Yes I call him Matt...just not to his face more like in my head secretly while I'm thinking about him which is why I'm still awake.

I spent about 2 hours feeling every surface of my room, I was pretty good at memorizing things and I was able to recite the room from my memory. I hated how my voice sounded, I didn't know how I looked except for the fact I was ginger and my eyes were brother liked to tease me about it, cause I looked nothing like them.

It's shitty right. I know there are many other people who have to go through worst than I have. There are daughters who are listening to their mothers say horrible things about them, behind their back and act like they are everything in public. There are little girls and boys who trust their uncle's just to hide under their bed to avoid wandering fingers. There are children who are special who never get told they are beautiful and amazing and deserve to be alive...there is so much pain and heartbreak in the world and I may be 1 in billions of beautiful souls who go through or went through hell every day of their life.

Just know your not alone, anything but.

I felt my eyes start to close, even though I was surrounded by a blank vast of nothingness. I still found myself imagining a field of flowers, I use to sit with my father while I was younger and he'd tell me everything detail of the garden behind out house. He new I couldn't see but he would tell me what they were and I would feel them with my hands carefully not to break a single one.

I was only 4 when he taught me the beauty of things I didn't understand. I never saw color so I just imagined the color of Matt's eyes, even though I didn't TRULY know what a flower looked like...I just let myself float in the beautiful eye color I was blessed to see.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, because for once in my life I felt absolutely happy with my life. Even with my past haunting my ever thought, for ONE night I was blessed with peaceful silence and something other than darkness behind my lids.

~The next morning~

"WAKE UP!" a voice screamed loudly causing me to jump really high, and let out a scream falling of the bed and hitting my face with a loud thud. I was surrounded by black with a unknown person in the room who sounded like a female, which caused my panic instincts to kick in and I started backing away, as soon as I got my back against a flat surface....I started having a panic attack.

"Um Matt!?" Yelled the female voice, but I felt my lungs grow tight and I was crying.

"Yes? Shit what did you do Rebecca?" I heard matt yell, next thing I know I was being held in his arms, I managed to peak behind my tears and see his face. The worried look in his eyes somehow managed to set my lungs at ease.

"I didn't know she would've reacted that way, I'm sorry brother" I heard the women say....he has a sister?

"She's blind Rebecca! She can't see you!" He yelled and I heard her gasp

"I'm Soo SORRY I didn't know" I heard her sniffle, and I knew Matt was acting a little TOO over protective for a girl he just randomly bought at an auction, it was definitely flattering and it made my cheeks warm at the thought of him caring but at the end of the day thats his Sister. I'm a nobody.

"It's okay, I just have some bad memories being surrounded by darkness all the time" I said, as I pushed away the warmth Matt was providing me, it sent tingles down my arms and made my heart throb but I ignored the lingering feeling of his heartbeat on my back. I wanted to stay there forever but I knew it wasn't appropriate...I knew he wasn't mine to take because of how impure I was.

He was a god. I was scub beneath his shoes.

"My name is Rebecca" said the female voice

"My name is Kira" I replied, with a nod trying to find her location based off her voice but failed doing so until she touched my shoulder causing me to flinch slightly.

"I was surprised to here my brother actually brought somebody home, I can't believe he bought somebody" she said causing my mind to spin, what did she mean she was surprised about me being bought

"Thats enough Rebecca" said Matt in a thin tone, the tone you use when the conversation is over.

"You haven't told her HAVE YOU" said Rebecca and I felt like I was the 3rd wheel with no knowledge of what going on.

"Just help her with what I called you for, or leave" Matt said and left slamming the door loudly

"Your special you know, just understand that okay" Rebecca replied there was a hidden message behind her words but I couldn't understand it. I guess Mr.Mintson was hiding more behind his beautiful blue eyes than I actually realized.

"Okay" I said.

She then started telling me about clothes, and makeup and a bunch of stuff I never used, knew about or cared for until I walked into this house.

Maybe I was cared for.

Maybe I had a chance.


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