Chapter 13| One Hell Of A Dinner

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Word Count: 1358

Kira POV

As I used the stupid cane to get to where I needed to be, I felt like it was easier for some reason. Not the blind cane I was forced to use but the things around me sounded clearer, I could here the birds and the sound of cars driving and so much more.

Maybe it's a perk of being blind, your sense of smell & hearing are enhanced but I could definitely feel a shit in the way my life was going to be like from now on.

"Kira my dear you look beautiful!" I heard Mary say to me (Matt's mom)

I heard her walk closer, there was a jingling sound that echoed from her neck area which was extremely heavy to listen to also the sound of her clicking heels made my ears hurt.

"Thank you, I bet you look amazing're wearing a necklace and heels today?" I asked I heard her gasp

"How'd you know?" Asked Mary clearly interested in how I knew

"I think being blind is giving me different abilities to see my surroundings like with sound and smell" I replied and she nodded, I heard the sound of her hair bouncing as she nodded

"That's wonderful dear" Mary said grasping my hand it was warm and wrinkly but definitely a motherly one

"Don't be pestering her dear" said a man voice by the way he stepped deeply and the way he held his voice the only person I could name this as in my hand was Matt's father.

"Mr.Mintson nice to meet you" I said turning toward him and holding out my hand, I heard him gulp a little

"For a blind girl, you 'see' pretty well, call me Andrew no formalities here " said Andrew with a chuckle at how I actually 'saw' things probably referring to what I told his wife about my enhanced hearing.

"Thank you Andrew for having me" I said with a smile

"We are blessed to have you sweetheart, we must talk about my son is he treating you well?" Asked Marry

"Uh..umm" I stuttered I guess Rebecca forgot to inform her mom

"Darling our son isn't with her, he has a girlfriend that was why Rebecca called a family dinner" said Andrew...oh so she talked to her father instead

"HE IS WHAT!??" yelled his mother, the atmosphere got darker and I could sense Mary's presence getting musky I couldn't describe it as anything but angry.

"He was flirting with Cecilia​ Krocker...and I heard it and cried me and Matt got into a argument and he slept with her...since then he's been dating her and sleeping with her every night" I said and I swear I heard steam come out of his mother's ears, part of me was glad I was blind and couldn't see her face.

"He's fucking HER after how many times I've told the god damn boy to stay away from that damn witch!" Yelled his mom, I could her the continuous clicking of her heels as she paced, the chances of her falling through the floor...high.

"Honey calm down" I heard Andrew said, I heard a light tap which made me think he was rubbing her back.

"I can't calm down how could he do this to her honey, she's so much better than that...THING" I could her the disappointment in her voice as she spoke

"They are coming, they think it's a 'work party' " said Rebecca, and I swear the room went dead silent

"He's bring the fucking witch into MY home, I'm going to kill him Andrew just to wait" said Mary before she stomped off into what I assumed to be the kitchen because water started running

"Well this is gonna be one hell of a dinner" said Rebecca

"Can I go back home for this?" I asked it was a joke of course I knew I had to be here but it didn't stop the fear, would Matt look at me in anger for confining to his parents about his "choices" or look at me with regret that he ever hurt me like he did, something told me he was going to regret allot of things tonight.

One might even be buying me.

I felt the clock tick by as we all waited in the living room for Matt to arrive with his new girlfriend the title everyone truly to believe belonged to me even if I wasn't as rich as them.  But somewhere in my heart told me tonight wasn't going to go the way I wanted and I was going to hurt even more then I ever did before.

Then the door opened....the clacking off her heels echoed in the other room along with the sound of his heavy footsteps.  They got closer and I felt the room get smaller but the small tight squeeze of Rebecca's hand kept me from having a panic attack, I guess the medication wore off....I forgot to bring more so I hope I can handle my emotions for the rest of tonight.

"What the hell is this?" Yelled Matt, I looked up from behind my air to see his eyes in a fit of fiery and, his poster stiff...even if everything behind him was a endless black I could still tell with ever part of him he was angry.

"Why did you bring her! That is NOT your fiancée Matt!" Yelled his mother and I could her the gasp come from who I assumed to be Cecilia's mouth

"Shut up mother! I choose my own life!" Matt replied glaring at me with so much hatred I thought I could burn through the couch was on.

"No you don't Matt you are ARRANGED to be married to Kira remember the women you said you had feeling for not even a couple weeks ago and now your going for sloppy seconds!" Yelled his mom and I knew she was about to fall apart

"Mom!" Yelled Matt

"If you do this to me Matthew Jericho Mintson I swear to God your no son of mine!" She yelled and I swear everyone in the room gasped

"Dear...I think that's too far" whispered Andrew

"No! How could my son who I raised to make GOOD choices pick a tramp over a true women is beyond me and I refuse to accept it even if it means loosing another son" yelled Marry and I knew by the way her voice cracked she truly believed that I was better for her son and something broke inside me

....was I ruining this family...

"Fine" yelled Matt and he glared at me one last time before dragging Cecilia out the door before she could even protests....Mary ended up running up the stairs in a fit of tears over her sons mistakes and Andrew followed with her disappointment clear in the way his feet stepped.

"That" said Rebecca

"Is fault?" I said finally taking things in, my lungs felt tight

"No girly it's not your fault it's all Matt's fault our Mom believes your the best women for Matt and she's never been so disappointed in her life over the decision he's making" Rebecca said and I felt myself breath a little better

"So I'm not ruining the family?" I asked

"No sweety Matt is and he doesn't even realize it yet" Said Rebecca with a sigh

"Can we go home?" I asked missing my bedroom where I feel safe

"Yeah let's go, I doubt Matt will be coming back tonight" said Rebecca yelling up to her parents that we were leaving only to get a sniffling reply about being safe

"You sure" I asked making sure I didn't have to be anywhere near angry Matt tonight

"Yes I'm sure he hates fighting with Mom so he'll stay as far away as he can when they do fight" Rebecca replied

"Okay" I said and we got into the limo and headed back to the only place that felt like home even if an angry man could show up anytime.

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