Chapter 20| Cold

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Word Count: 1578

Kira POV

My head hurt, it was like I got ran over by a truck.  I opened my eyes but winced when I felt pain, I soon came to realize my right eye was swollen shut as i looked around with my left.

We were in a dungeon, it was cold dark and damp.  But even though I was having an eternal panic Naomi was sitting in the middle of the cell in the criss cross style staring towards the front.

"I'm glad your awake, they did a number on you."  Naomi said not even looking at me, it sent chills down my spine

"Why are we chained up?" I asked, we could move around the cell perfectly we just had an annoying droopy chain that followed us where ever we went and it was annoying.

"They thought we'd escape," she said and I went to talk but "stupid really, if I wanted to escape I would've did that when we were in the car " and I wanted to scream.

"You could've gotten us out?!" I was extremely tired and sore, but angry "Why didn't you?!" I continued huffing and puffing feeling the dizziness that plagued me earlier return full force.

"I wasn't supposed to." She said and there was a silence that sent chills up my spin, she didn't say anything else just continued to stare towards the front of the cell like she was waiting for something or someone.  I sat in the corner and rapped the ruined dress around my legs to hide, trying to bring warmth towards the freezing cold around me but it was pointless as my teeth started chattering.

"Shit." I whimpered, I was so cold.  It had only been 5 mintues and I felt my fingers go numb, Naomi didn't look bothered but then again she was wearing a uniform that covered her arms and legs.  It was hard to believe the girl sitting not to far from me was 13 years old, she acted so much older.

"Hey creepy dude that's hiding can you get her a blanket before she dies?" said Naomi breaking through the cold barrior that was overruling my brain.

"So what if she dies?" said the creepy, almost deadly voice coming from the corner Naomi was looking at.

"Well i doubt your sister would be proud of your manners." Naomi said and I looked at her, what the hell was she doing?

"My sister is dead, nice try bitch." He replied with a snarl

"Play with me Kyle, I wanna fly" Naomi's voice changed to almost child like and I flinched, as the rooms got colder....darker.

"Holy shit....Claire?" the man came out of hiding, he had scars all over his body and was bald with a tattoo behind his ear of a feather.

Claire?" the man came out of hiding, he had scars all over his body and was bald with a tattoo behind his ear of a feather

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It didn't look scary at all.  But for some reason I felt I couldn't judge or I'd be sorry later on, or maybe I was just to cold to think rational right now.

"Claire Morgan, Age 6 died in car crah with Kyle Morgan drunk behind wheel." Naomi said, I saw the man face shift into confusion then realization.

"Your a gifted" The guy I guessed to be Kyle, looked genuilly freaked out by Naomi all of sudden, he started to sweat and fidget.

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