Chapter 7|His Arms

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Word Count: 831

Kira POV

I felt a soft bed underneath me, it was definitely different then the bed I slept on in my room it was more dense.

I rolled over but realize the muscular arm wrapped around my waist, which might I had was only wearing a oversized t-shirt that I managed to realize was his. I kinda wiggled myself over and looked at his sleeping face, he was absolutely handsome. A part of me regretted not telling him about the fact I could see him but I ignored it for I knew that it wasn't the right time.

But then it struck me, what happen with his brother last night. I felt sick, and tears started forming in my eyes. Just because I was raped, doesn't mean I didn't believe I was innocent. Because all I ever knew was violence and power...darkness too. So if anyone of you people "think", that just because I've already had "sex" that means I'm "lucky" or "proud".

I'm not because I lost my virginity to a monster, I lost the one thing I could give to guy if I would've been LUCKY enough to meet somebody who would've accepted me as who I was. I could've lost it in a loving & gentle way not rough, painful and left bruises all over my body for days. Many people now a days don't get the difference, teenagers are forcing themselves to have sex young.

Girls are throwing away their virginity to the first guy they see, or acting older than they are. I've heard on the news when my mother would let me watch TV about the increase on rape on both male & females, it's sad that women take the fact they have a voice to granite for men they get raped but their voice is silenced by society who think "rape" is them getting lucky.

Rape is not "lucky". No means No. A young boy shouldn't have been raped by the older neighbour, yet his friends will tell him when he's older that he's "lucky" cause he got "pussy" so young. Yet he'll look in the mirror and still feel disgusted at the fact nobody heard HIS voice when he was scared.

But before I knew it I was crying, small little hiccup before I was full on bawling. I hated this life, always being forced to do things and never cared for like a normal person just because I'm a little bit weaker without eyes doesn't mean I should always be taken advantage of.

"Sh don't cry Kira, please don't cry" I heard a husky voice say, then I was pulled deeper into the chest of the one and only Matt.

"" I tried to say, in between sobs,

"I know what he tried to do baby girl, and I'm so sorry that I didn't see his intentions before it happened you'll never have to worry about him again" he replied, I felt him smell my hair and relax a little... talking about his brother seemed to genuinely piss him off.

"Thank you" I managed to say, after my bawling settled.

"Anything for you" he replied, holding me closer...that was when I realized he was cuddling me....with no shirt on.....and I was wearing HIS shirt.

This was not appropriate...he bought me.

I pushed him away, I was extremely flustered and blushing and I just wanted to burry myself in a whole deeper than the population of China....not that I even know what that is.

"No I can't..." I said, and I jumped off the bed trying to feel my way around to the exit.

"Kira, what's wrong? You can't what?" Asked Matt, he seemed genuinely worried about my outburst.

"I can't do this with you, You BOUGHT me" I replied my heart fell, I WANTED to do things with him even if It wasn't to the extent I hoped for.

"Baby girl stop" he said, when he called me that there were this weird feeling in my belly, maybe I was expirencing butterflies?

"Mr.Mintson I can't, you just bought me to save my life...that's it" I said and I heard him chuckle.

"No I didn't, I guess it's time to tell you the truth" he said, grabbing my hand and entwining it with his ignoring my restraint.

"The truth about what?" I asked, as I felt him guide me through the house...

"On why I truly bought you" he replied

"There's an actual reason?" I said confused.

"Yes Babygirl and I hope you change your pretty little mind about us being inappropriate" he said and my stomach did that weird flip thingy

"Ok" I couldn't say anything else, cause my cheeks were burning and I all I wanted was to know this reason.

"Believe me baby, it'll be worth it" he replied to my blushing demenor.

I hope so.

To Be Continued...

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