Chapter 27|Matt Tries

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Word Count: 1028

Kira POV

I was shocked when I actually looked at the calender that was on my cell phone, apparently it was already september and fall had already started.

According too Rebecca I was kidnapped for a good 3 weeks, nobody could find even a slightest trace of me or Naomi but they didn't think Markis would've kidnapped me. They didn't even know that Cecilia and Markis were related cause the documents stating Markis what apart of that family were destroyed.

It was a stressful time, fall was beautiful. My dad use to tell me about it when I was younger, how the leaves were like fire dancing in the wind and I wanted to see it so bad. I have to go visit his grave at some point since I found its location and there was no way I'd miss the chance to "talk" to him again.

I looked at the clock it was only 7am, after what happened with Angel, I only could stay sleeping for like 2 hours and then my body wouldn't stay asleep anymore. It had already gotten chilly out, just sitting on a chair by the window. My room fit the scene that was unfolding outside as the colourful leaves danced in the wind resembling the crackling of a fire.

*Knock Knock*

I looked to the door and got up, opened it to find Matt rubbing the back of his kneck like he was about to do something awkward.

"Can we talk?" He asked, I nodded not knowing was to expect and led him to the chairs infront of my windows. Rebecca put them here since she knew I loved to look outside now that I had my site back.

"What would you like to talk about?" I asked, as he sat down.

"You I guess, what do you want?" He asked, my voice caught in my throat as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, giving him a questioning glance.

"I owe you allot, after how I've treated you and I understand now that you didn't deserve it so I want to try and help..." He said, I could tell he was being sincere. He was trying to fix the damage he had commited yet he didn't know how and I wasn't even sure could fix all the pain he had laid upon me.

But I think he deserved to know now.

"I have a secret I must share with you." I said, he looked at me in confusion.

"What is it?" He said,

"I could see you." I said, he looked at me comfused his eyes were shifting and there was emotion in them yet I knew he couldn't place the words I was saying.

"I don't understand?" He said,

"When I was blind, I could see you nobody else." I said, his eyes widened like I just told him something funny but I could tell by the way his eyes filled with guilt that he believed me.

"So I was the first thing you saw ever in your life." He said, his voice was almost a whisper like his brain was working to fast for his words.

"Yes." I said, I continued to look out the window as the calm of fall took the nerves in my body to the wind.

"You could see me when I flirted with Cecilia, when I treated you like crap...when we had sex and how drunk I saw it all and pretended like it was nothing." He said, I realized...he was crying.

"Why are you crying." I asked, caution flowing throw my body in waves.

"The WHOLE time I thought you were useless cause you were blind YET you saw all MY bullshit and continued to love me? What type of man am I" he said, I didn't know what to do my heart didn't feel anything towards the man whose emotions were collapsing around him.

"I got over you." I said, he looked at me and there was so much emotion in his eyes that my breath caught in my throat.

"I'm glad...nobody deserves a guy like me." He said, the depression he was feeling was flooding the whole room.

"Angel does, she's perfect for you." I said, his eyes looked at me and then he smiled.

"I guess your right huh?." he said, I laughed and nodded my head.

"I give you my blessing Matt, regardless of what happened in our past you deserve happiness." I said, his smile got wider.

"That mean allot, I guess I can give you my blessing for Eric just don't hurt him he means allot to me." Matt said, I laughed and my cheeks were red.

"He's really nice, I don't plan on hurting him." I said, Matt laughed and looked out the window.

"Do you want your own apartment?" Matt asked, I looked at him and thought about it being able to live on my own.

"That would be nice." I said, and he nodded.

"Well if you find something you like tell me even if it seems inpossible for you to get it I will get it for you." He said, I nodded as he got up and pulled me into a hug which lasted not even 3 seconds but it meant the world to me.

"Thanks Matt." I said, he smiled and left my room.

I closed my bedroom door and at the exact moment my phone vibrated, I looked at it and smiled.

From: Eric ❤

Text - Picking you up at 9 princess, be ready to be wooed.-

I looked a the clock to find out it was already 8am, holy shit Matt and I were talking for a damn hour. I quickly ran to start the shower but before I ran to get clean I sent

To: Eric ❤

Text: -Can't Wait! xo-

Then I ran towards the shower to get ready. I quickly sent Rebecca a text asking her what I should wear for a coffee date since I had never been on a date before.

So excited!!!!

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Tata For Now My Kitties ❤🐱

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