Chapter 11|Further Apart

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Word Count: 1522

Kira POV

Dear Diary,
Entry #7

Its been one week since I fractured a rib and it hasn't been the best. Rebecca gave this diary because she saw how bad my emotions had been taking its tole on me, Matt of course got an earful from her but ignored it and went of with what Rebecca called his "tramp". They're dating now have been for the past week after Matt realized I wouldn't let him near me if he was with other women while trying to advance our relationship. He completely gave up on me and continued to see Cecilia who makes sure to rub it in my face that she "won" whenever nobody is around...she's definitely a snobby bitch whose only after the family fortune.. The sad thing is Matt can't have that fortune without me and I don't think he has told her of that little important clause in their relationship or about the fact we are arranged to be married.

But luckily I had a while, giving us time to build on the relationship that he was already ruining everytime I heard their loud moans from down the hall. I ended up being put on medication for my panic attacks, and I refused to listen when I was told to lay down.

Rebecca came everyday to make sure I was able to do things, being hurt and blind was definitely not easy but it doesn't mean I'm going to not try and do things for myself.

I graduated high school & they have me in college courses, Matt hired a college tutor instead and I saw his expression when he was told my marks & IQ but i could see him brush it off like it was nothing to the blank vast darkness behind him.

That's all i have to say, my heart isn't safe at the moment and maybe he'll learn one day. All i can do is patiently wait for him to decide what life he wants.

Kira Aldrich

I closed my Diary and locked it, like i did every night for the past week while I wrote the everyday things that had been happening around me in this dark world. I use to believe maybe being blind was scary because you couldn't see the things that could hurt you and you were always in i believe maybe being blind is hiding me from the pain that a stupid man has been inflicting  on me every time he lays in bed with that women.

Rebecca told me his parents were coming back tomorrow, and they knew about what Matt was doing to the relationship he was supposed to have yet, he ignored me still. I was able to move and walk around, I went to the kitchen allot to eat the Braille words all over teaching me what to do really helped.

Matt didn't do this for me, Rebecca did so i could and Matt just agreed with his alcohol infested breath that everybody could smell. He didn't look like the high class man with power running through his beautiful eyes, he looked like a dark twisted man who didn't care about the ones he loved anymore and only wanted to hurt people to make himself feel better for his mistakes.

Tonight I was to get dressed and meet his father, Rebecca said he was amazing and I had nothing to worry about but the nervous feeling burning my veins told me other wise. Just 5 minutes with his mother sent my fears into a frenzy, I made sure to take my medication for panic attacks and felt like everytime the doctor came she was giving me something more to hide the pain.

I opened the Armour and found the dress I wanted to wear, after a while. Rebecca really educated me on how i looked, she said even behind my white eyes there was beauty beyond belief. She told me she wished she had "freckles" that swarmed my face, I didn't know what they were but she described them as million beautiful dots that were placed on my face to remind me that I was unique and special and no one could take the uniqueness away from me. She told me that white looked nice on my skin, but I really wanted to wear a flowy orange dress which is what I read on the Braille tag, I didn't know the color I just wanted to wear it something about the texture of this dress reminded me of a flower petal soft but it definitely fit me perfectly.

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