Epilouge| Part 1

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Word Count: 911

Kira POV

~3 years Later~

"What if he realizes?" I mutter as I remember what the doctor said at the appointment.

Tomorrow was my wedding day for fuck sakes, and I was already pregnant.  Yeah sex after marriage didn't happen, the moment I was healed enough to come home without stitches or worry of my eyes hemeraging.   He ravished me senseless, but at the time there was court and dealing with Cecilia's justice that we decided that we'd get married after I turned 21.

Which happened a month ago, the trial with Cecilia had been pushed back so far because of the gathering of evidence.  It took the police 4 months to strip the information from Cecilia, she killed each woman in a different location across the country and it was exhusting.

When they came to us to view the evidence, we couldn't stomach it and we demanded to be present when they told each girls parents what happened to her.   It took another 2 months to talk to them, to mine and Erics surprise they didn't hate us after they found out the truth behind her hatred.

After a whole year of drama, and pain, and nightmares that will never go away.  The trial happened, Cecilia was charged with 20 counts of murder, 21 counts of kidnapping, kidnapping of a minor and 20 counts of allowing rape to happen including the attempted kidnapping of a 6 year old boy.

Yes you heard right, each woman was rapped 5 times.  5 different types of male sperm was found inside them and those men were arrested and prosecuted for their actions because they raped EACH girl amongst her request.   But each girls body was found and properly laid to rest.  Cecilia was found guilty and was sentenced to the death penalty which she flipped out on, she even tried to plead insanity but the judge, nor defendants were giving the benifet of the doubt.

Justice was set, she died by injection.  We all watched as she faught and cried and begged but none of us felt sorry for their decision.  She brought it on herself in the end.

Matt and Angel got married last fall after their daughter turned 2, she just turned 3 and she was the most adorable girl ever.  Being blind had its disadvantages like not being able to see children, or knowing what new people around you look like.

After a few months, my eye sight had changed.  I couldn't see, the doctor said that there was no change for me to get my eyes back but turns out I was gifted, and if I focused hard enough I could get a visual image of what a person looked like by just their voice.  But Eric hated me using the gift cause it caused nose bleeds and headaches, which was okay since it hurt when I couldn't see Angels darling Annie.

  But Eric hated me using the gift cause it caused nose bleeds and headaches, which was okay since it hurt when I couldn't see Angels darling Annie

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She looked just like her mom, dirty blond hair and hazel brown eyes.  They looked more brown than anything, but Matt was an amazing father too her.  

I didn't let my blind status get me down, I ended up becoming a theripsty and helping kids who came from bad house holds.  At first I thought my job was to get them out, but after realization none of the kids I helped wanted to leave their homes they just wanted advice and help.

So I made a hotline, hooked to my work cell phone called "Running Blind".  Baiscally it was to help kids who needed advice for what was going on at home in a sense they didn't want to leave or just weren't ready yet.  Many kids had left their home, or gotten me to help them get out if it came down to it but other children had changed their whole family home around and helped change happen inside instead of leaving.

I was proud of my job, Eric was proud of me for everything I was doing.

The past couple weeks since my birthday had been hard on Eric, his job had this big assignment and he couldn't be at home as much.  According to the doctor I was only 1 month pregnant, which ment I got pregnant on my birthday no less.  That was an amazing night, dinner a movie and he ravished me for hours...we totally forgot to use a condom but he was drunk and It completely slipped my mind.

Eric was worried I was going to leave him, I could see it in his eyes and I could tell by his posture.  We had talked about it after he had a nightmare about his wife Vera walking out on him,  I wasn't angery because it had happened to him and he was afraid the same thing would happen to him with me hence his brain replaying that memory.

Turns out him and Vera weren't a perfect couple, there were problems that nobody saw and they were close to a divorce before she died.  But he let everyone beleieve they were madly in love, which made my heart hurt for him.

I looked down at my ultrasound photo and quickly went to the mall and picked up a gift for eric that I was going to give him during our wedding dance tomrrow.

Get Ready Eric, Your Going To Be A Daddy.

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